OraLobEditor: Edit Oracle LOB, Direct. OraLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Oracle LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. Ключевые слова:
Oracle Lob Editor, Blob Edit, Clob Edit, Oracle Lob, Oracle Blob
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Encrypts SQL Server 2012,2008, 2005 databases transparently including log and backup files. Free version allows databases up to 77 Mbs. Can be used freely. Ключевые слова:
sql server encryption, database encryption, hides database schema, hide tables, encrypt database
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Microsoft 70-453 Exam Questions
Prepare 70-453 Exam Prep Questions and Pass the final Microsoft 70-453 Exam Guaranteed. Ключевые слова:
70-453, Microsoft 70-453, 70-453 training, 70-453 PDF, download 70-453
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SqlLobEditor: Edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT, NTEXT, VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX)] (CLOB)) data. SqlLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT, Ключевые слова:
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Alt SQL Developer for Oracle
Alt SQL Developer — интегрированная среда разработки объектов баз данных Oracle, дающая программисту возможность повышать производительность при разработке приложений. Ключевые слова:
oracle, sql, plsql, developer, development
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ManageEngine Free SQL Health Monitor
The ManageEngine SQL Health Monitor tool, monitors important parameters of MS SQL database. The tool fetches comprehensive data about the MS SQL database servers and presents them as visually elegant graphs and reports. Ключевые слова:
Free SQL Performance monitor, SQL monitoring software, Free SQL monitoring tools, SQL monitor, Database monitor
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Database Converter
Database Converter provides finest way to convert MSSQL data records to MySQL data without any extra expert guidance and any technical knowledge in simple way. Database Converter program provides facility to save all data at user specified location. Ключевые слова:
Database, converter, utility, converts, MSSQL
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Execute the same SQL query across multiple ODBC databases. You can execute any type of query on any database with an ODBC driver (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, mySQL, etc...). Ключевые слова:
query, database, ODBC, tool
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DWG Diff
This utility is a standalone tool that is useful to find differences between to similar drawings. Compares all drawing entities in the selected drawing space. Compares all other drawing structures such as: Layers, Blocks, Text Styles, Layouts, etc. Ключевые слова:
dwg, dxf, diff, autocad, difference
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Share By Link
Upload and make sharing links to your files. ShareByLink is a free file sharing tool that's extremely easy to use. Just right-click files and select 'Share online using ShareByLink'. Files are shared over a secure HTTPS connection. Ключевые слова:
file sharing, free file sharing, upload, dropbox
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