irrFuscator is an ActionScript obfuscator. It protects .SWF files as well as .AS and .MXML files, no matter if you use Flash or flex. irrFuscator is available for the command line but also comes with a convenient GUI frontend. Ключевые слова:
ActionScript 3, flex, obfuscator, encryption, protection
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.NET Decompiler, decompiles executables to well-formed and source code (C#, VB.Net, J#, MC++, MSIL) Ключевые слова:
decompiler, obfuscator. .net, .net decompiler, .net obfuscator, decompiler .net
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AltDel is a 5-phase script-driven lexical compiler that produces obfuscation by lowering the language level of Delphi source projects. Ключевые слова:
Delphi obfuscator, obfuscation, anti cracking, reverse engineering, security
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Protect Flash AS3. ActionScript 3 obfuscator for Flash source code,protects Flash actionscript source-.AS and .FLA files,makes them very hard to understand,if decompiled. It's the only utility that can protect FLA files.Encrypts identifiers, strings. Ключевые слова:
actionscript obfuscator, as3 obfuscator, flash obfuscator, actionscript, obfuscator
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Skater TOTAL
Skater TOTAL totally stops MSIL disassemblers. This is the assurance that no one will see your source code. Ключевые слова:
native, .NET, code, vb.net, C
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SWF Defender
Protect SWF files, ActionScript obfuscator. Support Flash CS4 and ActionScript 3. Obscuring ActionScripts, Strings Encryption, Encrypted Domain Locking.You have only some clicks to protect your SWF files. Ключевые слова:
flash, swf, Action, ActionScripts, adobe
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Mangle-It C++ Source Code Obfuscator
Mangle-It C++ Obfuscator makes C/C++ code unreadable. Comments are stripped, symbol and file names mangled, strings encrypted. A signature like "int GetCode(int n )" is converted to "int sXXXYYYXXYXXYX( int sXXXXYYXYYXXYX )". Defeat hackers! Ключевые слова:
c++ obfuscator, c++ obfuscators, c obfuscators, obfuscate c++, obfuscate c
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Mangle-It Java Source Code Obfuscator
Mangle-It Java Obfuscator makes Java code unreadable. Symbol and file names are mangled, strings encrypted, symbols are updated in comments and xml config files. Code like "int GetString(int n )" converts "int sXXXYYYXYXXYX( int sXXXXYYXYXXYX )". Ключевые слова:
Java obfuscator, Java obfuscators, obfuscate Java, obfuscated Java, mangle Java
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Invantive Dotnet Optimizer
Invantive Dotnet Optimizer provides a graphical user interface to NGEN. It allows you to easily optimize the start time of your Microsoft .NET applications by pre-compiling Ключевые слова:
Optimize start time of .NET applications, graphical user interface to NGEN
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Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator and Encoder
Stunnix JavaScript Obfuscator is very advanced professional obfuscator for .js/.html/.asp/.php/.wsc/.wsh files, with support for encoding and ensuring licensing condititions, with advanced GUI and ActiveX symbols extraction tool. Ключевые слова:
javascript obfuscator, javascript compiler, javascript encoder, javascript scrambler, javascript cruncher
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