See how the economy affects financial assets.
EconomicInvestor Stock Risk Wizard 2.1.601
Язык интерфейса: English Операционные системы: WinXP / WinVista / WinVista x64 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 Цена: Бесплатно |
Stock Risk Wizard provides unique statistical and economic analysis of over 20,000 current stocks, mutual funds, and indexes. Using patented Eta Analysis, you can see the economic risks associated with a given asset. Stock Risk Wizard also shows you how much hidden economic risk is present in a portfolio, or which stocks are more likely to be helped (or hurt) by the current economic climate.
Stock Risk Wizard's patented system accounts for over 90% of price variation in most stocks, mutual funds, and indices. Using a set of 18 macroeconomic and financial variables (like the unemployment rate and consumer price index), assets are easily compared for historical and current data, measuring "economic risk" -- risk to investments arising from economic factors. Additionally, Stock Risk Wizard can identify asset classes and individual securities that are currently being influenced by favorable or unfavorable economic conditions.
Eta Analysis is based on applying well-tested macroeconomic relationships to stocks and mutual funds analysis. This view of asset value is far more robust than technical analysis, which only takes into account the history and current price of a stock, or traditional fundamental analysis which ignores the current state of the overall economy. Eta Analysis focuses on the economic forces that impact an investment's value.
Stock Risk Wizard also provides metrics derived from Eta Analysis. A Star Rating for an asset shows whether the economy is currently helping or hindering that asset's performance. If the economy is driving a stock forward, it may have four or five stars; if the economy is hindering its progress, it will have fewer stars. The Composite Macro Risk Index (CMRI) measures an asset's overall economic risk. Stock Risk Wizard provides screening and evaluation tools to help identify investments with appropriate CMRI levels. By monitoring CMRI levels, investors can maintain a level of economic risk with which they are comfortable.
Ключевые слова: |
Investors, Investment Tools, Investment Research, Economy, Economic Risk
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