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Freeware XML editor and XSD editor XMLFox

Freeware XML Editor

Freeware XML editing and validation tool XMLFox is a freeware editor for creating valid well-formed XML documents and/or XSD Schema.

Ключевые слова:
xml, editor, xml editor, free xml, xsd

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Excel VBA toolbar helping you to programme.

Kode Magd

Kode Magd is a toolbar for the VBA editor window in Microsoft Excel, designed to help computer programmers.

Ключевые слова:
Excel, VBA

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C# Integrated Development Environment

Apropos IDE

Apropos IDE is a C# Integrated Development Environment to create console applications.

Ключевые слова:
software development, IDE, Coding, programming, create applications

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Obfuscate NET Assembly

KONIO Obfuscator

Obfuscate C# console applications source code and existing NET applications (exe).

Ключевые слова:
obfuscator, NET obfuscator, file protector, code obfuscation, KONIO Obfuscator

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Make your NET executables to run only for you

Cyber Cobra

Make your NET executables to run only for you

Ключевые слова:
code protection, code security, code management, Cyber Cobra, Christos Beretas

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Enstella Gmail Backup and Migration Software

Enstella Gmail Backup and Migration Soft

Single solution to perform different tasks with Gmail account's emails. Download Gmail Emails, Attachments and Email addresses. Take Backup of Gmail email and shift mail folders from Gmail to new Gmail account and different cloud email programs.

Ключевые слова:
gmail backup, backup gmail emails, download gmail emails, migrate gmail emails

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An easy to use svn client for macos.


An intuitive and easy to use Subversion client for Mac. It integrates seamlessly into the macOS Finder, all svn commands are available directly from the context menu, toolbar menu, and sidebar menu of Finder window.

Ключевые слова:
mac svn, macos svn, mac subversion, macos subversion, mac svn client

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