Discover how EDB to PST 2010 converter works?
EDB to PST 2010 Converter 16.0
Язык интерфейса: English Операционные системы: Win2000 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / Win98 / WinServer / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP / Win8 / Win8.1 / Win10 Цена: $299.00
The best way to choose EDB to PST 2010 converter is to thoroughly check the features being provided. It is done by downloading the evaluation version of the tool. The evaluation version of the tool works like licensed one, but with certain limitations. One of the most recommended tool is EDB Recovery Tool, which promises perfect EDB recovery in the downline.
EDB Recovery Tool comes with trial version and licensed version. The tool drives the affected EDB files for recovery with help of powerful scan mode, namely: Standard mode and Advanced mode. Once the affected files are recovered, the ???Preview??™ option can be used to view the items to ensure the correctness in the process of recovery. The tool manages recovery of multiple EDB files in a single go. The tool is very different from other tools by providing swift recovery followed by availability of different saving options, which are convenient to the user.
The EDB to PST 2010 converter tool best works with the system that contains Pentium processor with minimum 512 MB RAM and some space to save results. The tool supports all versions of MS Exchange Server, MS Outlook, Windows OS and Windows Server to eliminate any chance of incompatibility with file versions. For more details, visit: www.edbtopst2010.com
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