MS Access File Reader Tool to fix access file
MS Access File Reader 3.3
Язык интерфейса: English Операционные системы: WinXP Цена: $69.00
Do you want to repair MS access database with the advance MS access file reader? With MS access file reader you can easily make the file readable and in the recovered way with the old originality. Access Recovery is a robust, yet user friendly MDB file recovery tool that easily and quickly scan your corrupted access database and reads your entire database file, then creates a new readable working mdb file allowing you to recover access database. Access file repair software quickly retrieve access table structure, table data, primary key, foreign key, auto numbering field, relationship between tables and queries. Works smoothly on Windows 7,Vista, XP, 2003, 2002 and 2000. Repair Access Data Files Tool successfully runs on Windows 2000, XP, 2003, Vista & now on Windows 7 also. User can check the functionality of software by using DEMO Version of the Repair Damaged Database software FREE. Purchase full licensed version of Access Recovery Tool to access complete features only at $69.00. http://www.repairaccessdatabase.net/ms-access-file-reader.html
Ключевые слова: |
ms access file reader, access file reader, ms access database reader, ms access file reader, repair ms access database
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