Perfect Import Exchange EDB to PST Software
Import Exchange EDB to PST 4.1
Язык интерфейса: English Операционные системы: Win2000 / Win7 x32 / Win7 x64 / Win98 / WinOther / WinServer / WinVista / WinVista x64 / WinXP Цена: $299.00
Most of the Exchange users are not known that how to import Exchange EDB to PST? It is a common query which has submitted in social media sites, forum sites, blogs & more by most of the Exchange users of all over the World. The Suitable or the appropriate answer of this question is Exchange EDB to PST conversion software. Tool imports all Exchange EDB files such as priv1.edb, pub1.edb, mailbox database.edb or public folder database.edb etc into Outlook PST file format. Software helps to import public folders Exchange 2010 database into PST file in a safe and secure way. Tool imports those EDB files which are encrypted or password protected into PST. It can import single as well as multiple mailbox data items into Outlook PST file. Software demo version is available at free of cost, but if user wants to purchase full version of the tool then they will has to invest only $299.
Ключевые слова: |
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