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Assign Actions to the F keys and other keys

Design Your Keys

Work faster and easier by customizing the keys of your keyboard to do what you want them to do. Free Trial.

Ключевые слова:
redesign keyboard, customize keys, assign actions to keys, F keys, F1

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Clean your PC, 100% Safe!

Comodo System-Cleaner

Clean your PC, 100% Safe, with the new Comodo System-Cleaner! Main features include Registry Cleaning, Disk Cleaning, Privacy Cleaning and Data Shredder. The Instant Scan technology makes this the fastest cleaner.

Ключевые слова:
free, clean, registry, disk, privacy

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Registry defense 100% Effective Guaranteed !

Registry defense 2010

Registry defense offers:
Computer Freezes Dll Error Messages
System Crashes Registry Malfunctions
Computer Error Messages Shutdown Problems
Slow Windows Startup Corrupt File Errors
Slow PC Performance & Many More !!!
Easy To Use Speed Up

Ключевые слова:
Registry defense, PC, repair error, Registry Optimizer, Fix Registry Errors

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ExtraCHM - Microsoft HTML Help (chm) viewer


ExtraCHM is a free, full-featured, modern, multi-tabbed eBook reader to view Compiled HTML (chm) under Windows XP/Vista/7. ExtraCHM offers handy tools for navigation and eBook reading. You may decompile chm file. It has text to speech feature.

Ключевые слова:
chm, freeware, ebook reader, ebook viewer, modern

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Get official Mouse Drivers for Windows XP.

Mouse Drivers For Windows XP Utility

Get official Mouse Drivers for your Windows XP system. Mouse Drivers For Windows XP Utility scans your computer for missing, corrupt, and outdated mouse drivers and automatically updates them to the latest, most compatible version.

Ключевые слова:
mouse drivers for windows xp, drivers for windows xp

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Программа для смены иконок и цвета папок №1

Folder Marker Pro - Changes Folder Icons

Позволяет пометить папку по приоритету (высокий, нормальный, низкий); уровню законченности проекта (законченный, наполовину законченный, запланированный); статусу работы (принятая, отклоненная, в ожидании); и типу информации, которая хранится в папке

Ключевые слова:
folder marker, colors, change folder color, change folder icon

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System, disk, memory, cpu improver

HS WinPerfect

Windows system optimizer which checks and fixes any hard-disk problems, cleans hard-disk, system registry, finds duplicates, optimizes memory, tunes-up system settings, accelerates internet connection, improves cpu usage, manages security

Ключевые слова:
winperfect, backup, spyware, adware, outlook

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Оптимизации и очистки системной памяти


TweakRAM - утилита, служащая для очистки и оптимизации системной памяти компьютера, что позволяет увеличить быстродействие ПК.

Ключевые слова:
ram optimizer, memory manager, optimize memory, memory optimizer, memory optimization

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Утилита для просмотра системной информации.


ConfigInspector покажет вам наиболее важную информацию о вашей системе. Программа умеет делать все то, что и системная утилита Task Manager в Window XP и намного больше. ConfigInspector работает только в Windows 2000/XP/2003.

Ключевые слова:
System info, Task manager, process list, Computer configuration, process list

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Make your PC error-free and more efficient!

Smart PC Professional

Smart PC Professional makes your PC faster, error-free and more efficient! Special features of the new software ensure your personal privacy while surfing through the Web and protect your PC from information theft.

Ключевые слова:
Registry Cleaner, Registry, Computer repair, System Utilities

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