Portfolio Viewer
Recommended for inexperienced users. No special skills required! Template is easy to update via Free Flash Photo Gallery CMS or via cgal.xml file. Dynamic updating includes: background music; slideshow autoplay; fullscreen mode; background color cha Ключевые слова:
flash components, flash extensions, flash component, xml, actionscript 2
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Fast Forms
Fast Forms is a visual tool utilizing drag and drop that creates and deploys HTML forms without you needing any knowledge of HTML or Internet coding. Fast Forms has been designed to take out all the coding involved in creating and capturing forms Ключевые слова:
Perl, php, forms, form, html
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Interactive UK Flash Map
UK Flash Map. Features: - Color, URL linking, captions and more; - Intuitive Flash Map Interface; - Customizable Hotspots and Tooltips; - Ease of Use; - Customizations via an XML file; - Zoom and Pan tools www.fla-shop.com Ключевые слова:
United, Kingdom, Interactive, Flash, Map.
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Info-Pack.com Color Picker
Info-Pack.com Color Picker is a windows color picker.
Use it to check the color of any pixel on a windows screen.
Copy that value to the clip board with a click of a button
Get the hex, RGB or RGB hex values of any color on your screen Ключевые слова:
color picker, color, windows
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Zen Cart All-in-One Product Feeds
Zen Cart All-in-One Product Feeds by MagneticOne Ключевые слова:
Zen Cart google base, Zen Cart froogle, Zen Cart bizrate, Zen Cart shopping.com, Zen Cart rss
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Sitemap Creator
Freeware sitemap creator, exports directory structure to a html file Ключевые слова:
freeware, sitemap, creator
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Keywords Search Tool
This tool finds keywords similar to a given keyword when searching the information online. Often when people search online for something they may use different keywords or kea phrases. Given a single keyword this software returns a list of keywords. Ключевые слова:
keyword, keywords, web, website, site
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RoSee converts dynamic web pages to HTML, thus allowing the search engines to index and use them. No more wasted web content. Ключевые слова:
dynamic to static, php to HTML, e-commerce- shopping cart, software, database
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Flexible Media Gallery FX
Features: customizable gallery which uses the Image Scroller FX component with multiple configurable properties of the scroller, adding gallery properties, image transitions and text effects; the image scroller can be placed on any position; customi Ключевые слова:
flash components, flash extensions, flash component, xml, actionscript 2
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3delite's Icon Set
250+ high quality artistic 3D Vista resolution icons. They are fully 32bit with antialiasing and 8bit transparency. The icon dimensions range from: 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24 and 16x16. Ключевые слова:
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