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Native WPF viewer for Reporting Services

WPF Viewer for Reporting Services

WPF Viewer for Reporting Services is a native WPF component. It represents Reporting Services reports as XAML to make them easily add into WPF apps. All functionality available in standard SSRS viewer including drilldown & drill through is available.

Ключевые слова:
wpf reporting services, reporting services in wpf, wpf ssrs, ssrs in wpf

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Reporting Services viewer for Windows 8

WinRT Viewer for Reporting Services

WinRT Viewer for Reporting Services is a touch-oriented Metro style component that is able to view SQL Server Reporting Services reports in Windows 8 applications.

Ключевые слова:
winrt ssrs, windows 8 ssrs, winrt reporting services, windows 8 reporting services, metro style reporting services

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.Net компонент для синхронизации структур БД

SQL Schema Sync API

SQL Schema Sync API - встраиваемый в Вашу программу компонент для синхронизации баз данных. Распространение продукта в составе приложения не требует лицензионных отчислений. Доступен исходный код. SQL Schema Sync API разработан для SQL Server 2008.

Ключевые слова:
ms sql 2008 database schema sync, ms sql 2008 database sync, ms sql 2008 database syncronization, ms sql 2008 schema sync, ms sql 2008 schema synchronization

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Отчёты Reporting Services в Silverlight

Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services 2008

Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services предназначен для отображения отчётов Reporting Services непосредственно в Silverlight. Продукт является Silverlight контролом и легко интегрируется в любое Silverlight приложение.

Ключевые слова:
SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, Silverlight, Reporting Services in Silvelright, Reporting Services

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Отчёты Reporting Services в Silverlight

Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Service

Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services предназначен для отображения отчётов Reporting Services непосредственно в Silverlight. Продукт является Silverlight контролом и легко интегрируется в любое Silverlight приложение.

Ключевые слова:
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services, SSRS, Silverlight, Reporting Services in Silvelright, Reporting Services

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Flexible WPF Reporting Component

SharpShooter Reports.WPF

SharpShooter Reports.WPF is a powerful reporting component able to create even the most complicated reports from multiple .NET data sources with just few mouse clicks and deliver these reports to Windows Presentation Foundation.

Ключевые слова:
wpf reporting, wpf reporting tool, wpf reporting component, wpf report viewer

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Native WinRT reporting component

SharpShooter Reports.WinRT

SharpShooter Reports.WinRT is a native WinRT XAML reporting component able to generate reports of any complexity from various data sources (.NET-based, SQL, ODBC, MySQL, XML) and integrate them into Windows Store applications.

Ключевые слова:
winrt reporting, winrt reporting component, winrt reporting tool, windows 8 reporting, windows 8 reporting component

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True cross platform web reporting tool

SharpShooter Reports.Web

SharpShooter Reports.Web is the true cross platform report viewer intended for the creation and display of reports in any Web application. The product allows you to deliver reports to Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS and Android tablets and phones.

Ключевые слова:
web reporting, asp.net reporting, reporting tool for web, webforms reporting, reporting for web

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Report generator for Silverlight

SharpShooter Reports.Silverlight

SharpShooter Reports.Silverlight allows the creation of advanced Web reports. Features: WYSIWYG report preview in web browsers, use of advanced preview features, delicate setup of viewer design, etc.

Ключевые слова:
silverlight reporting, silverlight reporting component, silverlight reports

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Components package for charting OLAP data

SharpShooter OLAP

SharpShooter OLAP includes OLAP components for multidimensional data analysis and for data representation in the form of charts. The product allows the creation of analytical applications for decision support systems.

Ключевые слова:
OLAP, .NET, Pivot table, data cube, analytical data processing

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Advanced gauges for .NET and ASP.NET apps.

SharpShooter Gauges

SharpShooter Gauges provides a library of ready-made gauges: Meters, Dials, Sliders, Switches, Manipulators, Scales and a full featured graphics editor allowing for the creation of advanced gauges from scratch. Digital dashboards/KPIs on the fly

Ключевые слова:
.net gauges, winforms gauges, asp.net gauges, .net gauge component, asp.net gauge component

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Flow charts, BPMN shapes in Silverlight

SharpShooter Diagrams

SharpShooter Diagrams offers a unified designer for diagrams and flow charts building which can be integrated into Silverlight app. It includes 200 predesigned shapes that are complex objects with properties setting up their appearance and behavior.

Ключевые слова:
flow charts, diagrams, silverlight diagrams, silverlight charts, silverlight shapes

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.NET components pack for data visualization.

SharpShooter Dashboards

SharpShooter Dashboards is a pack of .NET components for complicated and intelligent digital dashboard creation. The package includes the component for hardware emulator creation and the component for interactive graphs and charts creation.

Ключевые слова:
.net dashboards, asp.net dashboards, data visualization

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Four powerful .NET components in one package

SharpShooter Collection

SharpShooter Collection is a package of .NET components for data processing, analysis and visualization. The suite includes a report generator, OLAP component, a tool for creating digital dashboards and KPI and a component for charts, graphs design.

Ключевые слова:
.net reporting, .net data visualization

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Бесплатный генератор отчетов для .NET.

Report Sharp-Shooter Express

Report Sharp-Shooter Express – бесплатный генератор отчетов для .NET. Предоставляет широкие возможности по созданию профессиональных отчетов в WinForms приложениях. Это могут быть иерархические, многоколоночные, параметризированные отчеты и т.д.

Ключевые слова:
reporting tool, .NET reporting component, report engine, report generator, .NET reporting component

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Гибкий генератор отчетов для.NET. и ASP.NET.

Report Sharp-Shooter

Генератор отчетов для .NET Framework, написанный на C# и содержащий только управляемый код. Продукт позволяет использовать любое количество источников данных, включает дизайнер для конечного пользователя и мастер построения отчетов.

Ключевые слова:
.NET reporting component, .NET report engine, .NET report generator, reporting solution for .NET

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SSRS Viewers for Silverlight, WPF, WinRT

PerpetuumSoft Viewers for SSRS

PerpetuumSoft Viewers for Reporting Services is a pack of XAML-based viewers able to deliver SSRS reports to Silverlight, WPF and WinRT applications.

Ключевые слова:
silverlight ssrs, winrt ssrs, wpf ssrs, silverlight reporting services, winrt reporting services

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Ultimate UI Controls for Windows 8 apps

Perpetuum UI Controls for Windows 8

Perpetuum UI Controls for Windows 8 is a set of UI components for creating compelling Windows Store apps. The set includes radial menu, date and time pickers, color picker, rating and flyout controls.

Ключевые слова:
windows 8 ui controls, windows 8 ui components, winrt ui components, winrt ui controls

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Печать документов в PerformancePoint.

PerformancePoint Print WebPart

PerformancePoint Print WebPart удобное в использовании решение, которое позволяет распечатывать необходимые документы напрямую из PerformancePoint. Возможность предварительного просмотра позволяет просмотреть страницы документа перед печатью.

Ключевые слова:
SharePoint, SharePoint Server, PerformancePoint Server, printing dashboards, printing from SharePoint

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150+ compelling gauges for Windows 8

Perfect Widgets for Windows 8

Perfect Widgets for WinRT is a library of 150+ pre-designed gauges that can be easily added to JavaScript-based applications for Windows 8. Visual designer able to edit existing gauges and create controls from scratch is available.

Ключевые слова:
windows 8 gauges, windows 8 widgets, windows 8 thermometer, windows 8 tank, windows 8 LED

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Powerful HTML5 (JavaScript) gauges

Perfect Widgets

Perfect Widgets is a library of HTML5 (JavaScript) gauges featuring a set of 150 pre-designed gauges. Product includes gauge designer able to edit or create gauges and then convert them to JSON format.

Ключевые слова:
html5 gauges, javascript gauges, html5 widgets, javascript widgets, web widgets

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Высокоэффективный OLAP компонент для .NET

OLAP ModelKit

OLAP компонент, написанный на C#, включающий управляемый код и позволяющий использовать любые источники данных .NET. Продукт отличает оформление в стиле XP и способность представлять данные посредством любых элементов построения графиков и диаграмм

Ключевые слова:
OLAP, .NET, Pivot table, data cube, analytical data processing

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Библиотека готовых .NET компонентов для GUI

Instrumentation Widgets

Instrumentation Widgets представляет собой обширную библиотеку визуальных компонентов высокого разрешения, превосходно имитирующих реальные приборы. Все компоненты написаны на языке C# и включают только управляемый код.

Ключевые слова:
Instrumentation components, User Interface components, Component suites, .Net Components, GUI Components

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.NET компонент для построения графиков.

Chart ModelKit

Chart ModelKit – компонент графического отображения данных со встроенным дизайнером, обеспечивающим режим полного соответствия (WYSIWYG), и усовершенствованной моделью привязки данных. Библиотека содержит набор стандартных элементов и типов графиков.

Ключевые слова:
chart net, net charting, chart component, charting component, pie chart

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Пакет графических компонентов для .NET

.NET Dashboard Suite

.NET Dashboard Suite – пакет .NET компонентов, позволяющих создавать сложные электронные инструментальные панели. .NET Dashboard Suite включает компонент для создания программных эмуляторов устройств и компонент для построения графиков и диаграмм.

Ключевые слова:
.net dashboard, gauges .net, digital dashboard, KPI dashboard, net widgets

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