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Client ActiveX for XMPP/Jabber protocol


wodXMPP is a client component for XMPP/Jabber (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) protocol. It is used to create messaging clients.

Ключевые слова:
Client ActiveX for XMPP, XMPP, Jabber protocol, DLL, OCX

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wodWebServer.NET Component


It's main purpose is to serve HTML pages, GIF/JPG/PNG images, documents, and other resources that are accessible through Browser clients (such as IE, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape etc..) It is robust, easy to use, fast and for all .NET environments.

Ключевые слова:

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wodWebServer ActiveX component


ActiveX Component that implements server side of HTTP and HTTPS protocols (HTTPServer). It's main purpose is to serve HTML pages, GIF/JPG/PNG images, documents, and other resources that are accessible through Browser clients.

Ключевые слова:
Server, ActiveX, WEB, HTTP, HTTPS

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wodVPN ActiveX component


wodVPN is VPN peer-to-peer ActiveX component that is used to establish Virtual Private Network between two peers. All P2P communication is encrypted and secured. Peers are able to forward local and remote ports, send messages, etc.

Ключевые слова:
wodVPN, VPN, virtual private network, P2P, peer to peer

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wodTelnetDLX is a telnet client component


wodTelnetDLX a telnet client component ready to connect to terminal based clients,most commonly to UNIX telnet daemon. It also supports secured communication (through encryption) using well known SSH (SS1&SSH2) and SSL/TLS

Ключевые слова:
Telnet, component, encrypted, secure, security

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wodSSHTunnel ActiveX component


wodSSHTunnel component is server-type component that will add secure tunneling (based on SSH protocol) capabilities to your application. Based on your rules and definitions, it will accept local connections, encrypt it and forward to SSH server

Ключевые слова:
wodSSHTunnel, SSH, Tunnel, activeX, component

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SSH Server ActiveX component


wodSSHServer is an SSH Server ActiveX component (but also Telnet Server ActiveX as well) that will give you ability to easily add SSH2 (and SFTP) server capabilities to your application, as well as old TELNET server protocol.

Ключевые слова:
SSHServer, Server, ActiveX, COM, client

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Our bundle package with SSH, SFTP, wodTunnel.


SSHpackage is our bundle package that includes popular wodSSH, wodSFTP, wodSSHServer and wodSSHTunnel.
SSHpackage will help you implementing complete solution for secure (encrypted) communication in your project.

Ключевые слова:
wodSSH, wodSFTP, wodSSHServer and wodSSHTunnel bundle

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wodSSH.NET is SSH client component for .NET


Client component for MS.NET framework that provides support for communication with remote console-type services. It allows you to communicate encrypted (and secured, of course) with SSH1 and SSH2 servers, as well to Telnet servers

Ключевые слова:
wodSSH.NET, SSH, shell, .NET, component

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wodSSH ActiveX component


Client component that provides support for communication with remote console-type services. Most commonly, it will be used for Telnet based servers(running on UNIX OS)

Ключевые слова:
client, wodSSH, SSH, SSH1, SSH2

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SMTP Server ActiveX component


WeOnlyDo! SmtpServer ActiveX control is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full non-relaying Smtp (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server implementation

Ключевые слова:
wodSmtpServer, Mail, COM, Server, component

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wodSmtp is SMTP ActiveX client component


ActiveX client component used to deliver e-mail messages directly to the server of the recipient, using SMTP protocol. It automatically finds appropriate server where message should be delivered,or uses SmartHost through Hostname property.

Ключевые слова:
SMTP, Smtp, activeX client, component, weonlydo

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wodSFTPdll library


The Secure File Transfer Protocol provides secure file transfer functionality over any reliable data stream, SSH in this case. It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the SSH2 protocol.

Ключевые слова:
wodSFTPdll, library, client, component, encrypted

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wodSFTP.NET is SFTP client component


The Secure File Transfer Protocol provides secure file transfer functionality over any reliable data stream, SSH in this case. It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the SSH2 protocol. wodSFTP.NET is a dotnet implemenation

Ключевые слова:
wodSFTP.NET, .NET network, encrypted, FTPS, security

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Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client


The Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP Client) provides secure file transfer functionality over any reliable data stream, SSH in this case. It is the standard file transfer protocol for use with the SSH2 protocol.

Ключевые слова:
wodSFTP, component, object, SFTP, SSH2

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wodPop3Server Active X control


WeOnlyDo! COM Pop3Server ActiveX control is a component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full Pop3 protocol server implementation.

Ключевые слова:
wodPop3Server, component, POP3, Mail, encrypted

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wodPop3 is POP3 client ActiveX component


ActiveX component that is used to access mailbox on the server using POP3 protocol.Mail found on server can be retrieved locally (complete messages or only headers) and/or can be deleted from server.

Ключевые слова:
wodPop3, email, activeX, client, component

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wodMailServer bundle package mail components


WeOnlyDo! Mail Server is a set of components to create standalone full mail server system on your network. It contains our Pop3Server, ImapServer, SmtpServer and Mailbox LITE components.

Ключевые слова:
wodMailServer, Mail, POP3, SMTP, IMAP

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wodMailbox ActiveX component


wodMailbox provide full management over mailboxes and message parsing. Using wodMailbox, you can easily access mailbox, count messages, look at messages, count parts, save attachments, look at headers, delete messages etc..

Ключевые слова:
wodMailbox, Mailbox, Mail, activeX, component

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WeOnlyDo! COM ImapServer ActiveX control


WeOnlyDo! COM ImapServer ActiveX control is component that can be easily integrated into your applications to provide full IMAP4rev1 protocol server implementation.

Ключевые слова:
wodImapServer, component, Mail Server, encrypted, secure

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wodHttpDLX is a HTTP client ActiveX control


WeOnlyDo Software's wodHttpDLX is a HTTP client ActiveX control that provides easy, both high and low level access to the complete HTTP protocol. It's primary purpose is to retrieve documents and other resources from the WEB.

Ключевые слова:
wodHttpDLX, HTTP, client ActiveX, OCX, DLL

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wodFTPServer is server an ActiveX Component


wodFTPServer is an ActiveX Component that implements server side of following protocols: FTP, FTP/S (FTPS or FTP+SSL) both in explicit and implicit modes, and SFTP (secure ftp subsystem on SSH2 secured channel).

Ключевые слова:
weonlydo, FTP, SFTP, FTPS, Server

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FTP client component with SSH and SSL support


Secure FTP client .NET 2.0 component that supports encrypted and non-encrypted FTP access to the servers for transferring files or complete directories. It supports old, very common, FTP protocol, but also secured FTPS (FTP+SSL) and SFTP (FTP+SSH).

Ключевые слова:
.NET, network, component, FTP, SSH

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Secure FTP client ActiveX component


Secure FTP client ActiveX component th It supports old, very common, FTP protocol, but also secured FTPS (FTP+SSL) and SFTP (FTP+SSH). It supports old, very common, FTP protocol, but also secured FTPS (FTP+SSL) and SFTP (FTP+SSH).

Ключевые слова:
FTP, component, encrypted, FTPS, SFTP

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wodDHCPServer activeX component


DHCP server component (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), available as COM object and ActiveX control. It provides a framework for passing configuration information to hosts on TCP/IP network.

Ключевые слова:
DHCP, Server, ActiveX, component, IP

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component that provides strong encryption


Lightweight component that provides strong encryption for your applications. It provides supports for most common crypto algorithms, such as:AES, DES, TripleDES, Blowfish, Cast, RC2, RC, RC5, etc...

Ключевые слова:
WeOnlyDo, wod, crypt, component, activeX

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Component is peer-to-peer connection.


ActiveX component is a peer-to-peer connection convenient to label each peer to behave in context of Listener(Server) or Initiator(Client). Component comes with several profiles included as: SINK/ECHO for testing, ROT13, ZIP Tuning etc...

Ключевые слова:
wodBeep, Beep, weonlydo, peer, communicate

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Web Update component for your application


Developers are able to add 'update over the web' functionality to your software with a single line of code. WodAppUpdate allows developers an easy way to deploy their updates on the host site and let users download them in just a few secounds.

Ключевые слова:
Web Automatic Update Component, Component, DLL, ActiveX, OCX

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