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View, print, encrypt & share MS Project files

LiveProject Team Viewer

LiveProject allows you to view and print your MPP project files on any computer without the need or cost of extra Microsoft Project licenses. Encrypt and safely distribute your project, share documents and track revisions, view Project Dashboards.

Ключевые слова:
project management, microsoft project, project dashboard, project portfolio, liveproject

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Easily view and work with MS Project files.

LiveProject Project Collaboration

With LiveProject you instantly gain the ability to view, print, share, manage and collaborate on your project's .MPP files. LiveProject also includes project dashboards, Gantt charts and calendar views. SharePoint support.

Ключевые слова:
project management, microsoft project, dashboard, liveproject, project viewer

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Open and view Microsoft project files

LiveProject Premium Viewer

LiveProject allows you to view and print your .mpp project files without the need or cost of extra Microsoft Project licenses. Includes Project Dashboards and Project Portfolio Dashboards with drill-down functionality. SharePoint support.

Ключевые слова:
project management, Microsoft project, sharepoint, liveproject, project viewer

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Легко открыть и просмотреть MS Project файлы

LiveProject Free Project Viewer

LiveProject позволяет вам просматривать ваши проекты на любом компьютере без затрат и дополнительных лицензий Microsoft Project. С нашим бесплатным вьюером вы можете открывать любые .mpp файлы, просматривать задачи, ресурсы, диаграммы Ганта и другое.

Ключевые слова:
project management, microsoft project, liveproject, project viewer, project collaboration

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FREE MS Project viewer. Try it now!


FREE MS Project viewer. Share and view projects without having MS Project installed. Create awareness and accountability. Add/Edit project tasks with LiveProject Professional. View Bugzilla databases "Live" in viewer. Share documents with others.

Ключевые слова:
Project Management, Project, Bugzilla, Viewing, Viewer

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Свежий софт:
Наши проекты: