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Scrubbing brush for for your Windows-System


WashAndGo is your scrubbing brush for the hard disk of your PC. It enables you to clean up your whole system, so giving you back valuable disk space within seconds. - Get a clean, lean and mean System!

Ключевые слова:
WashAndGo, Abelssoft, garbage, clean-up, Windows clean-up

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UpdateYeti sucht automatisch Programmupdates.


Mit UpdateYeti bleiben Sie immer auf dem neusten Stand: UpdateYeti scannt Ihren PC und zeigt Ihnen an, welche Ihrer installierten Programme veraltet sind. Dank UpdateYeti halten Sie alle Programme stets aktuell.

Ключевые слова:
UpdateYeti, Updates, Programmversion, aktuell

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Take Control of your Windows Startup Process


StartupStar gives you full control about what happens when you start your system. It manages all programs that are launched on Windows start up. Furthermore, StartupStar can create, edit, backup and remove entries.

Ключевые слова:
StartupStar, programs, Windows, startup process, control

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FreeBee: Increase the lifetime of your SSD!

SSD Fresh

FreeBee: Increase the lifetime of your SSD with SSD Fresh! SSD Fresh adjusts your Windows system for using SSDs. SSD drives only have a limited lifetime (i.e. a limited number of write accesses per memory cell).

Ключевые слова:
Abelssoft, SSD Fresh, SSD drive, lifetime, SSD hard drive

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Password management with synchronization


Password management with synchronization. SecuStar administrates your passwords safely and clearly. Furthermore SecuStar can synchronize between several PCs, so you have access to your passwords from all the devices you are working with.

Ключевые слова:
SecuStar, Abelssoft, shareware, password, password manager

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Picolino: Sharing photos is so easy!


With Picolino you can share your photos, images and videos with friends. Picolino allows you to show your photos and videos to anyone: Share it with friends, family members or publish it on the web.

Ключевые слова:
pictures, photos, videos, upload, albums

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Easy Windows optimizing

PC Fresh

PC Fresh helps you to optimize your Windows in a easy way. It supports to manage services and autostart programs. In addition it is possible to enable performance features and adjust settings like Windows experts.

Ключевые слова:
Optimizer, tune, Tuner, Cleaner, Windows Optimizer

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Lost a serial number? MyKeyFinder finds them.


Lost a serial number? MyKeyFinder finds them for you. Did you forget to write down a serial number or did you simply loose the paper where you wrote it down? MyKeyFinder can help you and brings you back all your serials.

Ключевые слова:
MyKeyFinder, serials, keys, software, Windows

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Housekeeping book for everyone.


Housekeeping book for everyone. Income and expenses on one view. Overview is the key to useful reductions of costs.

Ключевые слова:
finance, finances, financial management, money, money manager

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Where did my drive space go?


FolderVisualizer: Where did my drive space go?

Ключевые слова:
drive, drive space, files, folders, wasting space

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Easy File Encryption: CryptBox 2010

CryptBox 2011

CryptBox creates secure Safes, that can be used just like normal drives and which can be filled with yur data. All content of those safes are encrypted. Safes can only be opened if you know the password.

Ключевые слова:
Encryption-Tool, File Encryption, Fileencryption, Encryption, CryptBox

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Checks hard disks for errors. Free Software!

CheckDrive 2011

CheckDrive is a free tool allowing you to check your hard disks for errors and to correct them instantly. It's easy to use, fast and reliable. You can use CheckDrive for XP and Vista.

Ключевые слова:
Check, Checkdisk, harddisk, error, driveerror

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CCFinder - Find Creative Commons Pictures!


CCFinder helps you to easily find pictures which were publicized under the Creative Commons License. CCFinder enables you to search based on specific usage criteria and shows you what you may do with each picture.

Ключевые слова:
CCFinder, Creative Commons, pictures, photos, usage

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Your personal browser expert for I-Explorer


BrowserStar is your personal browser expert for Internet Explorer!
BrowserStar can remove internet traces, for example by clearing unwanted cookies. Furthermore BrowserStar can clean your browser's history and empty your browser-cache.

Ключевые слова:
Browser, Browser expert, Favorites, Browser cache, Internet Explorer

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AntiPhotoSpy removes private information!


AntiPhotoSpy removes private information from photos to protect your privacy.

Ключевые слова:
AntiPhotoSpy, privacy, meta data, remove meta data, unpreferred data

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AntiBrowserSpy secures surfing!


AntiBrowserSpy secures surfing! AntiBrowserSpy sets an end to the curiosity of current browsers. Whether Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome - most of today's web browsers send back data to the manufacturer.

Ключевые слова:
AntiBrowserSpy, browser, spy, spying, browserID

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Easy Backup with Abelssoft Backup 2014

Abelssoft Backup

Easy Backup: Abelssoft Backup 2014 reliably saves your work and data. Define what for data you want to be saved only once. Abelssoft Backup will keep your backups up to date automatically.

Ключевые слова:
Abelssoft, Backup 2014, backup, data protection, data recovery

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Ganz einfach wecken und erinnern. Freeware


Ganz einfach wecken und erinnern. Erinnert mit verschiedenen Sounds. Freeware!

Ключевые слова:
Wecker, Uhr, Zeit, Alarm, Reminder

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