QA Studio
QA Studio is the fastest, easiest way to author, execute and manage Test Scripts. QAStudio seamlessly combines a feature rich WYSIWYG authoring environment with comprehensive Test Management, team co-ordination and real time reporting features. Ключевые слова:
Test, QA, Test Management, QA Management, Test Authoring
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Generate help output in cross-platform plain HTML, HTML Help, Help 2.0 or printable PDF. HelpStudio seamlessly combines a feature packed WYSIWYG authoring environment with HTML based layout templates. Ключевые слова:
help, help tool, help authoring, .net, innovasys
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Document! X
Document! X automates the process of creating and maintaining documentation for a wide range of solution elements: VB.NET/C#/C++ .NET Projects; ASP.NET Ajax Javascript, VB 6 / VBA Projects; COM Components and Type Libs, Databases, XSD Schemas. Ключевые слова:
documentation, .net, ndoc, help, f1 help
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