Nautical Almanac
2017 Nautical Almanac including monthly charts with the planets' positions Ключевые слова:
Almanac, Nautical Almanac, Stars, Planets, Celestial Navigation
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Combine multiple sights on different tracks. Data available for 9999BC to 9999AD including a Star Atlas, twilights and eclipses. It will print conventional Nautical Almanac pages while the voyage plan is a sophisticated tool in its own right. Ключевые слова:
Astronomy, Navigation, Nautical, Almanac, Stars
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2011 Nautical Almanac
Complete 2011 Nautical Almanac in pdf format. Includes monthly star charts with the planet's positions. Ключевые слова:
Nautical, Almanac, Astronomy, Celestial, Navigation
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