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A real-time log file monitoring tool


A real-time log file monitoring tool: * Real-time file viewing * Follow tail mode (like tail -f on Unix) * Regular expression text search * High-performance search algorithm * Filter tail mode (include or exclude lines)

Ключевые слова:
baretail, tail, windows, win32, real-time

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A free real-time log file monitoring tool


A free real-time log file monitoring tool: * Real-time file viewing * Follow tail mode (like tail -f on Unix) * View files of any size (> 2GB) * Scroll to any point in the file instantly * Configurable highlighting

Ключевые слова:
baretail, tail, windows, win32, real-time

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A file finding and text searching tool


A file finding and text searching tool: * Regular expression text search * High performance search algorithm * Wildcard and regular expression file search * Recursive directory search * Real-time file viewer to see search results in context

Ключевые слова:
baregrep, grep, windows, win32, regular expression

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A free file finding and text searching tool


A free file finding and text searching tool: * Regular expression text search * High performance search algorithm * Wildcard and regular expression file search * Recursive directory search * Save, name and manage text search patterns

Ключевые слова:
baregrep, grep, windows, win32, regular expression

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