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Storm Keypads & Keyboards interface RS232

Storm Keypads & KB software interface

Inputs data from any RS232 Serial Keypads or Keyboards directly into any Windows programs as if it was typed in using the current keyboard. No programming required ! Support RS232 serial Storm Keypads and Keyboards

Ключевые слова:
Storm Keypads interface, Storm keyboards interface, storm keypad usb, storm keyboard usb, RS232 keyboard

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Redirect Serial RS232 Port to Keyboard wedge

Redirect serial port RS232 to Keyboard

Enables serial port RS232 barcode scanners, RFID,magnetic stripe or any other devices to communicate with your Windows applications. This allows information to be entered directly into Windows programs as if it was typed in using the keyboard

Ключевые слова:
Serial Wedge Software, Serial KeyInjector, Serial to Keyboard Wedge, keyboard wedge software, Keyboard Wedge

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Send Caller ID phone number into any software

Caller ID phone number into any software

This professional software enables Modem and "Whozz Calling?" devices to send Caller ID phone number directly into any windows application. Bill Redirect software support all ???Whozz Calling???? www.callerid.com products !

Ключевые слова:
caller id, phone software, caller id hardware, caller id software, caller id software for

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On screen virtual keyboard for touch screen

Bill Virtual Keyboard

On screen professional virtual keyboard. Design your own Virtual Keyboards, each buttons keys appears and disappears depending which window is activate. You can change or add Buttons on a existing application, perfect for TouchScreen Application.

Ключевые слова:
Virtual keyboard, Clavier virtuel, touch screen, keyboard design, onscreen keyboard

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Bill Serial Port Monitor

To monitor (bi-directional) Serial communication RS-232 between two devices without physical cable. This software allows you to view, log, test and analyse the activity of the serial RS-232 port. To monitor the serial protocol of two different device

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Scale Wedge software and Excel integration

Bill Scale and Balance Wedge Keyboard

Inputs scale and balance data directly into any Windows programs as if it was typed in using the keyboard. No programming or additional hardware required ! Features included: Debugger, See the weight in real-time on a virtual button...

Ключевые слова:
serial weight scale, serial weight balance, scale RS232, scale software, wedge keyboard scale

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Bill Redirect Serial,File,TCP Port & Keyboard

Bill Redirect Serial-File-TCP Port & KB

Resident Tray System software for barcode scanner or other serial data capture devices that have a Serial / TCP interface. The program will redirect to any direction Serial/File/TCP Port & Keyboard. Debugger, Macro Commands, Search and replace char..

Ключевые слова:
keyboard wedge software, Soft Keyboard Wedge, SERIAL WEDGE SOFTWARE, Serial to keyboard Converter, RS-232 to keyboard Converter

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Access RS232 devices over Bluetooth

Access RS232 devices over Bluetooth

BlueConsole is a Bluetooth Serial Adapter that provides true wireless Bluetooth access to conventional RS232 ports. Using BlueConsole with Bill-Redirect Software, enables Bluetooth RS232 device to communicate with your Windows programs

Ключевые слова:
RS232 Bluetooth Converter, Bluetooth to Serial RS232 Adapter Replace Serial Cable, Bluetooth Rs232, RS232 Bluetooth Converter Module, Bluetooth Serial Port Module

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