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XlsToSqlite - Import Excel to Sqlite.


XlsToSqlite - Import Excel to Sqlite easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
excel to sqlite, excel sqlite, sheet to sqlite, sqlite import excel, convert excel to sqlite

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XlsToSql - Import Excel to SQL Server.


XlsToSql - Import Excel to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import excel to SQL Server, excel SQL Server, sheet to SQL Server, SQL Server import excel, convert excel to SQL Server

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XlsToPG - Import Excel to PostgreSQL.


XlsToPG - Import Excel to PostgreSQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import from multiple sheets at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
excel to postgresql, excel postgresql, sheet to postgresql, postgresql import excel, convert excel to postgresql

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XlsToOra can  import Excel data to Oracle.


XlsToOra is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer import Excel data to Oracle. Main features: Easy visually config. Saving/loading session parameters. Displaying Progress, time estimation. Import preview. Unicode support.

Ключевые слова:
excel to oracle, xls to oracle, oracle excel, oracle xls, oracle import excel

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XlsToMy is a tool to import Excel to Mysql.


XlsToMy is a tool to import Excel data to Mysql. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a Mysql table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support text,blob type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.

Ключевые слова:
excel to mysql, excel mysql, sheet to mysql, mysql import excel, convert excel to mysql

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XlsToMdb can import Excel data to Access.


XlsToMdb is a tool to import Excel data to Access. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into an Access table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support Unicode. 4 Wizard - step by step. 5 Support Excel 2007 and Access 2007.

Ключевые слова:
excel to access, xls to mdb, access import excel, access copy excel, convert excel to access

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XlsToDB2 is a tool to import Excel to DB2.


XlsToDB2 is a tool to import Excel data to DB2. Main features: 1 Read data from excel sheet into a DB2 table. 2 Run SQL command to see importing results. 3 Support BLOB,CLOB type. 4 Support Unicode. 5 Wizard - step by step.

Ключевые слова:
excel to db2, excel db2, sheet to db2, db2 import excel, convert excel to db2

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Withdata SqliteToExcel - Export SQLite to Excel

Withdata SqliteToExcel

Withdata SqliteToExcel - Export SQLite to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite To Excel, SQLite export Excel, SQLite to sheet, SQLite export sheet, SQLite to xls

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Withdata PostgresToExcel - Export PostgreSQL to Ex

Withdata PostgresToExcel

Withdata PostgresToExcel - Export PostgreSQL to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL To Excel, PostgreSQL export Excel, PostgreSQL to sheet, PostgreSQL export sheet, PostgreSQL to xls

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Withdata OracleToExcel: Oracle export Excel

Withdata OracleToExcel

Withdata OracleToExcel - Export Oracle data to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle export to Excel, Oracle To Excel, Oracle to sheet, Oracle export Excel, Oracle export sheet

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Withdata MysqlToExcel - Mysql export to Excel

Withdata MysqlToExcel

Withdata MysqlToExcel - export Mysql data to Excel file easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
Mysql export to Excel, Mysql To Excel, Mysql export Excel, Mysql to sheet, Mysql export sheet

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Withdata MsSqlToExcel: MS SQL Server to Excel

Withdata MsSqlToExcel

Withdata MsSqlToExcel - Export MS SQL Server to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
Sql server To Excel, Sql server export excel, Sql server to sheet, export Sql server excel, Sql server export excel

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Withdata DB2ToExcel - Export DB2 to Excel

Withdata DB2ToExcel

Withdata DB2ToExcel - Export DB2 to Excel easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
DB2 To Excel, DB2 export Excel, DB2 to sheet, DB2 export sheet, DB2 to xls

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Withdata AccessToExcel - Access export Excel

Withdata AccessToExcel

Withdata AccessToExcel - Export Access data to Excel. Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
Access To Excel, Access to sheet, export access excel, access export excel, excel import access

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TxtToSqlite - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQLite.


TxtToSqlite - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQLite easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to SQLite, import tsv to SQLite, import txt to SQLite, SQLite import csv, SQLite import tsv

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TxtToSql - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQL Server.


TxtToSql - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to SQL Server, import tsv to SQL Server, import txt to SQL Server, SQL Server import csv, SQL Server import tsv

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TxtToPG - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to PostgreSQL.


TxtToPG - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to PostgreSQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to PostgreSQL, import tsv to PostgreSQL, import txt to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import csv, PostgreSQL import tsv

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TxtToMy - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to MySQL.


TxtToMy - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to MySQL easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to MySQL, import tsv to MySQL, import txt to MySQL, MySQL import csv, MySQL import tsv

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TxtToDB2 - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to DB2.


TxtToDB2 - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to DB2, import tsv to DB2, import txt to DB2, DB2 import csv, DB2 import tsv

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Tail4win - windows tail


Tail4win - windows tail. It can monitor changes to files and display the changed lines in realtime. It is very usefull for monitoring log files of applications - e.g. Apache's logs or IIS's logs. It can capture and display OutputDebugString / TRACE.

Ключевые слова:
tail, windows tail, wintail, tail log, log monitor

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SqlToTxt - export Sql Server to csv, txt.


SqlToTxt - export Sql Server data to files (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
sql server export to csv, sql server export to xml, sql server export to excel, sql server export to txt, sql server export to html

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SqlLobEditor: Edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINA


SqlLobEditor: Edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT, NTEXT, VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX)] (CLOB)) data. SqlLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit SQL Server LOB ([IMAGE, VARBINARY(MAX)] (BLOB), [TEXT,

Ключевые слова:

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SqliteToTxt - Export SQLite to file (csv, txt, xml


SqliteToTxt - Export SQLite data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to csv, SQLite export csv, SQLite to xml, SQLite export xml, SQLite to excel

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SqliteToPostgres - SQLite data to PostgreSQL


SqliteToPostgres - Import SQLite to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import SQLite, SQLite migrate to PostgreSQL

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SqliteToOracle - SQLite data to Oracle


SqliteToOracle - Import SQLite to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to Oracle, Oracle import SQLite, SQLite migrate to Oracle

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SqliteToMysql - SQLite data to MySQL


SqliteToMysql - Import SQLite to MySQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to MySQL, MySQL import SQLite, SQLite migrate to MySQL

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SqliteToMsSql - SQLite data to SQL Server


SqliteToMsSql - Import SQLite to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to SQL Server, SQL Server import SQLite, SQLite migrate to SQL Server

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SqliteToDB2 - SQLite data to DB2


SqliteToDB2 - Import SQLite to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to DB2, DB2 import SQLite, SQLite migrate to DB2

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SqliteToAccess - SQLite data to Access


SqliteToAccess - Import SQLite to Access. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite to Access, Access import SQLite, SQLite migrate to Access

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SqliteLobEditor: Edit SQLite LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data


SqliteLobEditor: Edit SQLite LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. SqliteLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit SQLite LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.

Ключевые слова:
SQLite text, SQLite Blob, SQLite lob, SQLite text edit, SQLite blob edit

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PostgresToSqlite - PostgreSQL data to SQLite


PostgresToSqlite - Import PostgreSQL to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to SQLite, SQLite import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to SQLite

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PostgresToOracle - PostgreSQL data to Oracle


PostgresToOracle - Import PostgreSQL to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to Oracle, Oracle import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to Oracle

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PostgresToMysql - PostgreSQL data to MySQL


PostgresToMysql - Import PostgreSQL to MySQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to MySQL, MySQL import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to MySQL

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PostgresToMsSql - PostgreSQL data to SQL Server


PostgresToMsSql - Import PostgreSQL to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to SQL Server, SQL Server import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to SQL Server

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PostgresToDB2 - PostgreSQL data to DB2


PostgresToDB2 - Import PostgreSQL to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to DB2, DB2 import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to DB2

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PostgresToAccess - PostgreSQL data to Access


PostgresToAccess - Import PostgreSQL to Access. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to Access, Access import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to Access

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PGToTxt - Export PostgreSQL to file (csv, txt, xml


PGToTxt - Export PostgreSQL data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to csv, PostgreSQL export csv, PostgreSQL to xml, PostgreSQL export xml, PostgreSQL to excel

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PGLobEditor: Edit PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data


PGLobEditor: Edit PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. PGLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit PostgreSQL LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL text, PostgreSQL Blob, PostgreSQL lob, PostgreSQL text edit, PostgreSQL blob edit

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OraLobEditor: Edit Oracle LOB, Direct


OraLobEditor: Edit Oracle LOB, Direct. OraLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Oracle LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle Lob Editor, Blob Edit, Clob Edit, Oracle Lob, Oracle Blob

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OraLoader, Save Oracle import/export wrok.


OraLoader is a Oracle data load/unload tool. Main features: 1. Import data from text,csv,Excel file. 2. Export data to text, csv, excel, html, xml, SQL*Loader control file. 3. Run SQL command, and export result to text, csv, excel, html, xml.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle To Csv, Csv To Oracle, Oracle import Csv, Oracle export Csv, Oracle to flat file

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An Oracle command tool for import/export data


OraCmd is a command-line tool for Oracle that can run sql command, import/export data. Main features: 1.Execute sql command. 2.Run sql script. 3.Load/unload data from/to file. 5.Schedule and execute DB tasks. 6.Display fetch result vertically.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle command line, Oracle sql command, Oracle batch, Oracle import, Oracle export

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OracleToSqlite - Oracle data to SQLite


OracleToSqlite - Import Oracle to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle to SQLite, SQLite import Oracle, Oracle migrate to SQLite

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OracleToPostgres - Oracle data to PostgreSQL


OracleToPostgres - Import Oracle to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import Oracle, Oracle migrate to PostgreSQL

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OracleToMysql - Import Oracle to Mysql


OracleToMysql - Import Oracle to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
oracle to mysql, mysql import oracle, oracle migrate to mysql

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OracleToMsSql - Import Oracle to SQL Server


OracleToMsSql - Import Oracle to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
oracle to sql server, sql server import oracle, oracle migrate to sql server

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OracleToDB2 - Oracle data to DB2


OracleToDB2 - Import Oracle to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle to DB2, DB2 import Oracle, Oracle migrate to DB2

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OracleToAccess - Export Oracle to Access.


OracleToAccess - Export Oracle data to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Convert from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle to access, Oracle export access, access import Oracle

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MyToTxt - Export Mysql to files (csv, txt).


MyToTxt - Export Mysql data to files (csv, txt, sql, xml, html, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
mysql export to csv, mysql export to txt, mysql export csv, mysql to xml, mysql export xml

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MysqlToPostgres - MySQL data to PostgreSQL


MysqlToPostgres - Import MySQL to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
MySQL to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import MySQL, MySQL migrate to PostgreSQL

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MysqlToOracle - MySQL data to Oracle


MysqlToOracle - Import MySQL to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
MySQL to Oracle, Oracle import MySQL, MySQL migrate to Oracle

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MysqlToMsSql - Import Mysql to SQL Server


MysqlToMsSql - Import Mysql to SQL Server. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
mysql to sql server, sql server import mysql, mysql migrate to sql server

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MysqlToDB2 - Import Mysql to DB2


MysqlToDB2 - Import Mysql to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
mysql to db2, db2 import mysql, mysql migrate to db2

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MysqlToAccess - Export Mysql to Access.


MysqlToAccess - Export Mysql to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.

Ключевые слова:
mysql to access, mysql expport access, access import mysql

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MyLobEditor - Edit Mysql LOB (text,blob) data


MyLobEditor - Edit Mysql LOB (text,blob) data. MyLobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit Mysql LOB (text, blob) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.

Ключевые слова:
Mysql text, Mysql Blob, Mysql lob, Mysql text edit, Mysql blob edit

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MsSqlToSqlite - SQL Server data to SQLite


MsSqlToSqlite - Import SQL Server to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQL Server to SQLite, SQLite import SQL Server, SQL Server migrate to SQLite

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MsSqlToPostgres - SQL Server data to PostgreSQL


MsSqlToPostgres - Import SQL Server to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
SQL Server to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import SQL Server, SQL Server migrate to PostgreSQL

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MsSqlToOracle - Import SQL Server to Oracle


MsSqlToOracle - Import SQL Server to Oracle. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
sql server to oracle, oracle import sql server, sql server migrate to oracle

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MsSqlToMysql - Import SQL Server to Mysql


MsSqlToMysql - Import SQL Server to Mysql. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
sql server to mysql, mysql import sql server, sql server migrate to mysql

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MsSqlToDB2 - Import SQL Server to DB2


MsSqlToDB2 - Import SQL Server to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
sql server to db2, db2 import sql server, sql server migrate to db2

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MsSqlToAccess - Export SQL Server to Access.


MsSqlToAccess - Export SQL Server to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Wizard, Step by step.

Ключевые слова:
ms sql to access, sql server to access, ms sql export access, sql server to access

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DBBlobEditor: Edit database LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data


DBBlobEditor: Edit database LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data. DBBlobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit database LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.

Ключевые слова:
database CLOB, database BLOB, database lob, database CLOB edit, database BLOB edit

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DB2ToTxt - Export DB2 to file (csv, txt, xml)


DB2ToTxt - Export DB2 data to file (csv, txt, sql, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to csv, db2 export csv, db2 to xml, db2 export xml, db2 to excel

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DB2ToSqlite - DB2 data to SQLite


DB2ToSqlite - Import DB2 to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
DB2 to SQLite, SQLite import DB2, DB2 migrate to SQLite

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DB2ToPostgres - DB2 data to PostgreSQL


DB2ToPostgres - Import DB2 to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
DB2 to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import DB2, DB2 migrate to PostgreSQL

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DB2ToOracle - Import DB2 to Oracle


DB2ToOracle - Import DB2 to Oracle easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to oracle, oracle import db2, db2 migrate to oracle

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DB2ToMysql - Import DB2 to Mysql


DB2ToMysql - Import DB2 to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to mysql, mysql import db2, db2 migrate to mysql

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DB2ToMsSql - Import DB2 to SQL Server


DB2ToMsSql - Import DB2 to SQL Server easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to sql server, sql server import db2, db2 migrate to sql server

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DB2ToAccess - Convert DB2 to Access.


DB2ToAccess is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert DB2 data to Access. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Exports from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to access, db2 expport access, access import db2

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DB2LobEditor: Edit DB2 LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data


DB2LobEditor: Edit DB2 LOB (BLOB,CLOB) data. DB2LobEditor is a database tool that helps DBA and Database Programmer edit DB2 LOB (BLOB, CLOB) data directly. It can import/export LOB data also.

Ключевые слова:
DB2 text, DB2 Blob, DB2 lob, DB2 text edit, DB2 blob edit

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CsvToAccess - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to Access.


CsvToAccess - Import CSV (TSV,TXT) to Access easy and quickly. Main features: 1. Automatic match tables and fields. 2. Batch import multiple files at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
import csv to Access, import tsv to Access, import txt to Access, Access import csv, Access import tsv

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AccessToSqlite - Access data to SQLite


AccessToSqlite - Import Access to SQLite. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Access to SQLite, SQLite import Access, Access migrate to SQLite

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AccessToPostgres - Access data to PostgreSQL


AccessToPostgres - Import Access to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Access to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import Access, Access migrate to PostgreSQL

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AccessToOracle - Convert Access to Oracle.


AccessToOracle is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Oracle database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.

Ключевые слова:
access to oracle, oracle import access, access migrate to oracle

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AccessToMysql - Import Access to Mysql.


AccessToMysql is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Mysql database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.

Ключевые слова:
access to mysql, mysql import access, access migrate to mysql

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AccessToMsSql - Convert Access to Sql Server.


AccessToMsSql is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to Sql Server. Main features: 1. Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.

Ключевые слова:
access to sql server, access to mssql, access to ms sql, sql server import access, access migrate sql server

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AccessToFile - Access export files (csv, txt)


AccessToFile - Export Access data to files (csv, text, xml, excel...). Main features: 1. Export from table, from sql query. 2. Batch export tables at one time. 3. Save configuration and run repeatedly, command line, scheduled task.

Ключевые слова:
Access to Csv, Access to file, Access export csv, Access export file, Access to flat file

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AccessToDB2 - Import Access to DB2.


AccessToDB2 is a data conversion tool that helps DBA and database programmer convert Access data to DB2 database. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation.

Ключевые слова:
access to db2, db2 import access, access migrate to db2

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