Step Counter Wizard
Step Counter Software to use with your pedometer Ключевые слова:
Information Packaging, download, graph, steps, pedometer
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Macros - Help Desk Reply Automation and Macro Software.
Macros allows you to store your commonly typed information and recall it instantly using hotkeys. (EG. F1, F2 etc...)
it is the ultimate time saving tool for your help desk support staff, ideal Ключевые слова:
Macros, help desk, help desk software, macro, type
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IP Overtime Tracker
IP OT Tracker allows you to quickly and easily track your overtime. Use it to record your overtime and generate reports on demand. Never miss out on getting paid for your overtime again. Ключевые слова:
overtime, tracker, record, log, paid
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Info-Pack.com TAB2CSV
TAB to CSV converter. Convert Tab Delimited Files to CSV files. Ключевые слова:
download, tab, tab delimited, tab delimited file, convert
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Info-Pack.com MDB2CSV
MDB to CSV converter. Convert Access Database to CSV files. Ключевые слова:
download, mdb, access, access database, convert
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Info-Pack.com CSV2XML
CSV to XML converter. Convert CSV files to XML insert statements. Ключевые слова:
download, csv, xml, csv to xml, convert
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Info-Pack.com CSV2TAB
CSV to TAB converter. Convert CSV files to TAB delimited files. Ключевые слова:
download, csv, tab, csv to tab, convert
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Info-Pack.com CSV2SQL
CSV to SQL converter. Convert CSV files to SQL insert statements. Ключевые слова:
download, csv, sql, csv to sql, convert
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Info-Pack.com CSV2HTML
CSV to SQL converter. Convert CSV files to SQL insert statements. Ключевые слова:
download, csv, html, csv to html, convert
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Info-Pack.com Color Picker
Info-Pack.com Color Picker is a windows color picker.
Use it to check the color of any pixel on a windows screen.
Copy that value to the clip board with a click of a button
Get the hex, RGB or RGB hex values of any color on your screen Ключевые слова:
color picker, color, windows
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Info-Pack.com Cel2Fah
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa Ключевые слова:
fahrenheit, celsius, calculator, converter, convert
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Card Collection Wizard
Card Collection Wizard is a personal card collection database.
Use it to record and track your card collection as it grows. Keep a list of all of your rare cards and collectable cards in the program and track the value, price and dates. Ключевые слова:
card, collection, wizard, card software
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AKeeper is an easy to use Personal Password, Username and Serial Database.
Use it to record all your usernames, passwords, urls, serials, registrations and more all in the one easy to use program. Ключевые слова:
akeeper, password, database, keeper, utility
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