Pdf-Recover Professional
You cannot print a PDF file? You cannot copy & paste texts from a PDF? You cannot edit a PDF document? Then your file is protected with a "master password" pdf-Recover Professional will help. Remove PDF limitations. Crack master password. Ключевые слова:
set new properties, properties, pdf, files, encryption
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pdf-Recover disables restricted operations on PDF files. It removes the master password and security settings with one click. If you can?t remember your password, pdf-Recover will allow to reset encrypted files and provide without any restrictions. Ключевые слова:
pdf, password, recover, decrypted, recovery
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With some few mouse clicks pdf-FieldMerge allows to fill in existing PDF form fields automatically. PDFs may be processed singularly or en masse - automatically or manually with pre-selected data - without detour of Acrobat Reader Ключевые слова:
fill in, fill out, forms, fields, automatically
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