Hpmbcalc Hex Calculator
A programmable multiple-precision hex calculator with many utilities. With it, you can perform a lot of big number math and encryption operations, such as: square root, modular inverse; hash make; primality test; hex, dec, oct, bin conversions. Ключевые слова:
hex calculator, hex converter, hash make, crc calculation, encryption calculator
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Hexprobe Hex Editor
A professional hex editor for manipulating binary files, disk drives, and system processes, particularly helpful in the areas of hex-byte editing, byte-pattern analysis, for example: IT security. Ключевые слова:
hex editor, binary editor, hex viewer, disk editor, process editor
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Hexprobe Disk Encryption Tool
A simple, easy-to-use disk encryption tool that encrypts and password protects your removable and external disk. Its powerful encryption ensures that only you can open an encrypted logical drive. Ключевые слова:
encrypt disk, encrypt usb, disk encryption, usb encryption, partition encryption
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