Website Monitoring Software. Accurately tests server response using Active Ping technology,checks DNS resolution and verifies HTTP visibility to insure that your website is online, visible and running smoothly. Notifies you when your website fails Ключевые слова:
website monitoring software, web site monitor, website, monitor, URL
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Monitor multiple websites with your PC. Accurately tests server response, checks DNS resolution and verifies HTTP visibility to insure that your website is online and running smoothly. Notifies you when your website fails. Ключевые слова:
website monitoring software, web site monitor, website, monitor, URL
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Four separate modes of operation including "To Do List", "Appointments", "Log", and "Calendar" modes.Graphically displays scheduled ToDo's or Appointments on a monthly calendar right on the days they occur ! Includes multiple alarm configurations. Ключевые слова:
todo list, software, to do, appointment, schedule
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Monitor Wolf
Website Monitoring Software to monitor the status and performance of multiple web sites. Tests and monitors 3 critical factors ( server response, DNS, HTTP visibility) to insure a website is responding and functional. Ключевые слова:
website monitoring software, website monitoring, monitor, URL, web
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Home Management Wolf
Home and Asset Management Software. The software every home owner should have. Track home maintenance, repairs, mortgage payments, assessed value, insurance and warranty information and more. Keep a detailed home inventory of everything you own. Ключевые слова:
home management software, asset management software, home, asset, management
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Contact Wolf
Contact Management Address Book Software for Home or Business. Keep detailed records on all your contacts - phone, addresses, internet addresses, family info, business details, personal comments and more. Award winning design and network compatible. Ключевые слова:
phone, address, address book software, address software, contact
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Backup Wolf
The Backup Software Solution for Home/Business. Featuring state-of-the-art technology and an intuitive interface, this powerful software will protect you from data disasters and make the entire backup process effortless and quick. 30 Day FREE Trial. Ключевые слова:
backup, backup software, back up software, recover, file
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