MathProf is an easy to use mathematics program within approximately 180 subroutines. MathProf can display mathematical correlations in a very clear and simple way. The program covers the areas Analysis, Geometry, Algebra, Stochastics,Vector algebra. Ключевые слова:
Mathematics, Maths, Formula, Educationsoftware, Teachers
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Geometry Quiz
Challenge your mind and try to solve all equations. Ключевые слова:
algebra, angle, answer, calculate, calculation
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Latitude Longitude
Latitude and Longitude app for android allows you to get or share map coordinates of your current location. share your current gps location with anyone using GPS coordinates, address or both. Ключевые слова:
Latitude Longitude, GPS Coordinates
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SEVENPAR calculaties exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert or Molodensky Transformation with seven or three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different reference systems for coordinate transformations. Ключевые слова:
geodetic, program, helmert, molodenski, seven
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Display Tuner
Display Tuner provides convenient access to the monitor settings, such as brightness, contrast, color settings or geometry, etc. You can define several profiles with different color settings and easily switch between them using a hotkey! Ключевые слова:
monitor, settings, brightness, contrast, geometry
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SEVENPAR calculaties exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert or Molodensky Transformation with seven or three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different reference systems for coordinate transformations. Ключевые слова:
sevenpar, programm, helmert, 7Parameter, molodenski
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Full featured and affordable image and vectordata viewing and processing for
ActiveX,.NET,C#,VB.NET,VB,C++,DLL,LIB at your fingertips. Scrolling, Zooming, Panning. Supports all common fileformats: TIFF, PDF, JBIG2, JPEG2000, DXF, DGN, ESRI SHP Ключевые слова:
image processing, vector processing, dxf, shape, shp
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SEVENPAR calculaties exact parameter sets for the Spatial Helmert or Molodensky Transformation with seven or three parameters, which are used for accurate geodetic datum shifts between different reference systems for coordinate transformations. Ключевые слова:
geodetic, program, terminal, service, citrix
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TOPOWIN is a state-wide register of the German topographic cartographies and of localities with geo references in different coordinate systems. It also is a topographic information system. Ключевые слова:
geodetic, geodesic, functions, library, dll
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Billiard Art
Billiard Art is a billiard simulator with several additional arcade tables of variable geometry. These new features make the game much more interesting and unpredictable. Ключевые слова:
Billiard Art, billiard game, 3d game
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