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Бизнес :: Управление БД
Инструменты Разработчика :: Компоненты и Библиотеки
DB2ToPostgres - DB2 data to PostgreSQL


DB2ToPostgres - Import DB2 to PostgreSQL. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
DB2 to PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL import DB2, DB2 migrate to PostgreSQL

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OracleToDB2 - Oracle data to DB2


OracleToDB2 - Import Oracle to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
Oracle to DB2, DB2 import Oracle, Oracle migrate to DB2

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PostgresToDB2 - PostgreSQL data to DB2


PostgresToDB2 - Import PostgreSQL to DB2. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
PostgreSQL to DB2, DB2 import PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL migrate to DB2

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Import Table tool loads data from Excel file

Import Table from Excel for DB2

Import Table for IBM DB2 databases helps to load data from Excel spreadsheet. The program has easy to use and to learn wizard interface. All modersn versions of the DB2 Server and all versions of Microsoft Excel are supported.

Ключевые слова:
import table, import data, import data to DB2, import from Excel

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Advanced ADO.NET data provider for DB2.

DotConnect for DB2

dotConnect for DB2 is an enhanced ORM enabled data provider for DB2 built on ADO.NET technology and IBM DB2 .NET Data Provider to present a complete solution for developing DB2-based database applications.

Ключевые слова:
db2 data, ado.net, ado.net db2, db2 sql, entity developer

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Инструмент документации базы данных Oracle

DBScribe for Oracle

Leadum DBScribe - инструмент документации базы данных Oracle. Поддерживает: богатый набор стилей и форматов документации (HTML, CHM, Документ MS Word), мастер и интерфейс командной строки, полное документирование схемы базы данных.

Ключевые слова:
oracle Datenbankdokumentationswerkzeug, oracle Datenbankdokumentationswerkzeuge, oracle sql Dokumentationswerkzeug, oracle Datenbankdiagramm, oracle Datenbank documentor

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DB2ToOracle - Import DB2 to Oracle


DB2ToOracle - Import DB2 to Oracle easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to oracle, oracle import db2, db2 migrate to oracle

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MysqlToDB2 - Import Mysql to DB2


MysqlToDB2 - Import Mysql to DB2 easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
mysql to db2, db2 import mysql, mysql migrate to db2

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DB2ToMysql - Import DB2 to Mysql


DB2ToMysql - Import DB2 to Mysql easy and quickly. Main features: 1.Easy visual configuration. 2.Converts from both table and query. 3. Displays progress through time estimation. 4. Tow mode: Wizard - step by step; Direct import - efficient.

Ключевые слова:
db2 to mysql, mysql import db2, db2 migrate to mysql

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Сохранение метаданных баз данных DB2

EMS DB Extract for DB2

EMS DB Extract for DB2 - это простая и высокопроизводительная программа для создания резервных копий баз данных DB2 в виде сценариев SQL.

Ключевые слова:
EMS, DB Extract for DB2, tool for creating database backups in a form of SQL scripts, new version

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