Altova DiffDog Professional Edition
Altova DiffDog 2018r2 Professional Edition is the powerful diff / merge tool for files and folders. This XML-aware synchronization tool quickly compares files and directories, highlights differences, and merges content via its intuitive interface. Ключевые слова:
diff, diffmerge, differencing, diff files, diff source code
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A7Soft JExamXML
A7Soft JExamXML is an XML comparison Java based command line application Ключевые слова:
java, diff, xml, tool, freeware
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Незаменимые автономные инструменты для разработчиков программного обеспечения. Прекратите загружать конфиденциальные данные вашей компании и личные данные на неизвестные сайты для повседневных задач, таких как инструмент Diff для сравнения текста. Ключевые слова:
offline developer tools, offline jwt decoder, offline format json, diff compare text, decode base64 url
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Altova DiffDog
Altova DiffDog 2010 Enterprise Edition is a powerful diff/merge tool. This unique XML-aware sync utility compares files, folders, databases and XML Schemas. It indicates differences, intelligently merges content, and creates XSLT to convert XML data. Ключевые слова:
diff, diffmerge, differencing, database differencing, database comparison
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ApexSQL Diff API
ApexSQL Diff API programmatically compares and synchronizes SQL Server database tables, views and all other SQL Server objects as well as database data. Compare and synchronize directly from a custom application. SQL Server 2012 support. Ключевые слова:
database comparison API, database synchronization API, sql server, compare sql databases programmatically, database tools
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Altova DiffDog Enterprise Edition
Altova DiffDog Enterprise Edition is a powerful diff/merge tool. This unique XML-aware sync utility compares files, folders, databases and XML Schemas. It indicates differences, intelligently merges content, and creates XSLT to convert XML data. Ключевые слова:
diff, diffmerge, differencing, database differencing, database comparison
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Image Slideshow v1 AS2
You can add edit or remove images loading from xml file , open images xml file and change the images path delete or add a new image path very simple here is the xml image tag . the link working after clicking the image.each image can navigate to diff Ключевые слова:
flash components, flash extensions, flash component, xml, actionscript 2
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SQLite Compare
SQLite Compare compares the schema and data of two SQLite database files and quickly locates the differences in tables, triggers, views or any other object in the database. Ключевые слова:
SQLite, Diff, Merge, Compare
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DWG Diff
This utility is a standalone tool that is useful to find differences between to similar drawings. Compares all drawing entities in the selected drawing space. Compares all other drawing structures such as: Layers, Blocks, Text Styles, Layouts, etc. Ключевые слова:
dwg, dxf, diff, autocad, difference
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TSW SiteSync
TSW SiteSync 2.0 is the "worry less, get more done" solution for managing your websites. It offers painless and safe synchronization of your local and remote website content and a fully featured FTP client for working with your files. Ключевые слова:
tsw, sitesync, ftp, synchronization, editor
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