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English-German-English dictionary

English-German-English Slovoed Deluxe

Slovoed is best-selling PC dictionaries for Windows, that provides high translation rate, easy-to-use interface, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases with numerous usage and sound samples.

Ключевые слова:
Slovoed, dictionary, app, software, english

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One click electronic talking dictionary

German-Spanish Collins Dictionary (SP)

Extensive electronic dictionary for Spanish-speaking, 5M licences sold. One click dictionary contains 110,000 German to Spanish translations, 28,500 recorded words and the EasyLex function allowing to look up translations fast in many applications.

Ключевые слова:
German to Spanish, Spanish to German, electronic dictionary, Collins Dictionary, talking dictionary

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One click electronic talking dictionary

Spanish-German Collins Dictionary (DE)

Extensive electronic dictionary for German-speaking, 5M licences sold. One click dictionary contains 110,000 Spanish to German translations, 28,500 recorded words and the EasyLex function allowing to look up translations fast in many applications.

Ключевые слова:
Spanish to German, German to Spanish, electronic dictionary, Collins Dictionary, talking dictionary

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One click electronic talking dictionary

English-German Collins Dictionary (DE)

Extensive electronic dictionary for German-speaking, 5M licences sold. One click dictionary contains 167,000 English to German translations, 44,500 recorded words and the EasyLex function allowing to look up translations fast in many applications.

Ключевые слова:
English to German, German to English, electronic dictionary, Collins Dictionary, talking dictionary

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One click electronic talking dictionary

French-German Collins Dictionary (DE)

Extensive electronic dictionary for German-speaking, 5M licences sold. One click dictionary contains 120,000 French to German translations, 30,900 recorded words and the EasyLex function allowing to look up translations fast in many applications.

Ключевые слова:
French to German, German to French, electronic dictionary, Collins Dictionary, talking dictionary

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English reading course for German-speaking

English READERS+Collins Dictionary (DE)

English reading course for German-speaking by LANGMaster.com + Collins electronic dictionary. 17 years of experience with language teaching, 1.000.000 licenses sold. Courses focused on reading, listening and pronunciation,RE-WISE vocabulary builder.

Ключевые слова:
learn English, practice English, English grammar, English lessons, electronic books

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EZ-Speak Family: learn better English today!

Better English with EZ Speak Family

EZ-Speak Family will help you learn better English pronunciation with EZ-Speak software. EZ Speak Family provides your whole family with efficient and personalized speech training that will help them improve American accent when speaking English.

Ключевые слова:
better English, American accent, English pronunciation

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TranslateIt! translates German words on page

TranslateIt Westlanguage version

TranslateIt! helps users translate German words quickly and conveniently thanks to its mouse over translation technology. Users can move their mouse over German word and see the translation from German into English instantly.

Ключевые слова:
german-english dictionary, english-german dictionary, translate words, mouse over translation

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Free English-Croatian audio dictionary

Croatian-English Mini Dictionary

Free English to Croatian dictionary with recorded pronunciation. It contains frequently used words and expressions with English translation and ready-made excercises to master the material. Ideal if you go to Croatia and want to speak some Croatian.

Ключевые слова:
Croatian, Hrvatski, dictionary, language, vocabulary

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Изучение иностранных числительных (со звуком)

Learn Numbers!

Learn Numbers! поможет вам изучить иностранные числительные, а также улучшить произношение. Поддерживаемые языки: английский, немецкий, французский, итальянский, испанский, русский, чешский. Для всех языков - профессиональное голосовое сопровождение.

Ключевые слова:
language, learn, study, number, numbers

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