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image to flash
image flash
flash to image
flash image gallery
flash image slideshow
image to flash video
image to flash conversion
convert image to flash
image to flash converter
extract flash image
flash image zoom
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This is the New Dockable Gallery with Drag op

Dockable Image Gallery

This is the New Dockable Gallery with Drag option on every thumb.You can add infinite number of images in this gallery. This Flash gallery is based on double click event of Flash.To open large image, double click on thumb image, and to close simply s

Ключевые слова:
flash components, actionscript, video player, audio, flash galleries

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Design, create flash slideshow with thumbs.

A2 Flash slideshow v3 Vista

Design and create easily and professionally looking all kind of perfect Flash slide show or photo-gallery too. Your clients will be absolutely jazzed by the flash slide show You will produce for their websites. No flash skill required. Try now.

Ключевые слова:
flash software, flash slideshow, flash slide show templates, flash photo gallery templates, flash template

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Convert image series to Flash SWF Video


FlashImage is a simple but at the same time powerful software. FlashImage allows you to create Image SWF file from common digital pics. You can select a list of Images in various formats and convert them to SWF Images in a click.

Ключевые слова:
image to flash, image to swf, picture to swf, image flash

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Dynamic flash image zooming tool or zoom view

Boxoft Flash Zoom Maker

Boxoft Flash Zoom Maker is a simple, lightning-fast and creating dynamic flash image zoom viewer tools that give your clients the ability to zoom in or out on a set of high resolution images on your web site.

Ключевые слова:
image zoom, google map zoom, zoom and pan, zoom into image, Flash pan zoom effect

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Batch convert jpg, jpeg to flash video.

Okdo Jpeg to Swf Converter

Okdo Jpeg to Swf Converter is the easiest and powerful jpeg to flash video converter. With it, you can view image file with a flash player. It can help you convert your jpg, jpeg image files in batches.

Ключевые слова:
jpg to swf, convert jpg to swf, jpg to swf converter, jpeg to swf, jpeg to swf converter

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Supports either image files or SWFs.

Image panning v.2

The new "Image panning" component has support for either image files (png, jpg, gif) or swf files. It can load images/movieclips from an external url or directly from the Library. It comes with a well written documentation that it is more flexible.

Ключевые слова:
flash, actionscript 2.0, actionscript 3.0, animation, design

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Turn photos into stunning 3D flash gallery.

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery

Aneesoft 3D Flash Gallery is a simple yet powerful flash gallery making software that displays your digital photos in an interactive 3D photo gallery, either quickly and easily - with music, or numerous 3D flash gallery templates to choose from.

Ключевые слова:
3D flash gallery, flash photo gallery, flash gallery templates, flash image gallery, flash slideshow

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PowerPoint to 3D flash

VeryPDF PPT to Flash 3D Wall

VeryPDF PPT to Flash 3D Wall, as a simple and tiny PPT to flash converter, can help you quickly convert PPT or PPTX to flash.

Ключевые слова:
PPT to flash, PowerPoint to flash, flash 3D, 3D animation, PPT online

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pdf to word,pdf to image,pdf to flash

Pdf to word image flash excel converter

pdf to word image flash excel converter is one of the most efficient and powerful conversion tool designed to convert pdf documents to word (doc, docx, docm), image (jpeg, jpg, tiff, emf, wmf, bmp, pcx etc.), flash and excel (xls, xlsx, xlsm) files

Ключевые слова:
pdf to word, pdf to image, pdf to flash, pdf to excel, convert pdf to word

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Easy Flash Album Builder for website or CD

A4Desk Flash Photo Gallery Builder

A4Desk Flash Photo Gallery Builder software, creates flash photo album / flash image gallery / foto gallery on your website in minutes, easy to use, user friendly and no coding required.

Ключевые слова:
flash, photo, gallery, album, templates

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