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Color text and flash. Best for website header

Color Text and Flash

Color text and flash. Best for website header, e-card or banner. You can only dragg'n'dropp the movie clip "main_mc" to the scene. You can easy change text, its size, flash color and the coordinates by y. Flash CS3 and Flash CS4 versions, fla and the

Ключевые слова:
flash components, flash extensions, flash component, xml, actionscript 2

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Convert PPT to flash.

VeryPDF PowerPoint to Flash Converter

VeryPDF PowerPoint to Flash Converter is designed for convert PowerPoint documents to Flash movies.

Ключевые слова:
PowerPoint to Flash, convert PowerPoint to Flash, PowerPoint to Flash converter, PPT to SWF, PPT to SWF converter.

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The most comfortable digital/analog clock!

Flash Clock

Flash Clock is a great interactive flash digital and flash analog clock widget for your website or flash movie. You can publish Flash Clock widget and adjust its size, visual parameters, GMT offset, adding up-to-date feeling to your online resource.

Ключевые слова:
Flash Clock, digital clock, analog clock, interactive clock, clock widget

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Convert SWF to EXE, convert EXE to SWF.

Super Flash Player Manager

It is a professional solution for convert SWF to EXE, convert EXE to SWFand convert SWF to Screensaver. Super Flash Player Manager is a flash player and manager.Enjoy or collect flash and manage flash movie files more conveniently.

Ключевые слова:
swf to exe, swf to screensaver, convert swf to exe, convert swf to screensaver, flash player

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Christmas and New Year card  You can use this

Christmas and New Year card

Christmas and New Year card You can use this file as New year e-card for your Clients or Partners. You can only drag & drop movie clip "cardNY" to the center of scene. You must open movie clip "your_logo" and place your logo or company name here.

Ключевые слова:
flash components, flash extensions, flash component, xml, actionscript 2

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Convert music into Adobe Flash movie

Flash Music Studio

Flash Music Studio is an easy and powerful tool to convert music files into Adobe Flash movie. Supports major music formats, such as MP3, WMA, WAV and OGG. Creates cool flash music player with stunning visual effect graphic equalizer.

Ключевые слова:
flash, macromedia, swf, music, mp3

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Create Flash banner as easy as 123

123 Flash Banner

123 Flash Banner is a simple Flash banner and intro creator.Simply to enter text, select font or animation effects and set background color and image, etc. The Flash movies created by 123 Flash Banner support multiple scenes.

Ключевые слова:
create flash banner, flash intro maker, quick banner, flash text, swf banner

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Бесплатный конвертер видеофайлов во Flash

Free Video to Flash Converter

Конвертировать видео во flash (SWF и FLV) для Вашего веб-сайта или блога с помощью бесплатного конвертера видео во flash. Конвертировать фильм целиком или только его часть. 60+ скинов для плеера. Конвертер не содержит шпионских программ и рекламы.

Ключевые слова:
flash player, video to swf, video to flv, avi to swf, avi to flv

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простое и быстрое сжатие Flash SWF файлов

Flash Optimizer

Flash Optimizer дает невероятные возможности пользователям Flash, позволяя оптимизировать не только отдельную часть Flash ролика, но и весь SWF файл, включая нулевые объекты, кривые, ZLib оптимизацию и др.

Ключевые слова:
Flash Optimizer, SWF Optimizer, Compress SWF, SWF Compression, Flash optimization

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Date, Time and Sound Viewer

Date, Time and Sound Viewer

Date, Time and Sound Viewer displays current date and time in different colors.Just drag and drop one of those movie clips. Music ON/OFF.

Ключевые слова:
flash, actionscript 2.0, actionscript 3.0, dynamic, gallery

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