Oxetta Report Generator
Report generator for C/C++ applications with printing and print preview support, small and fast. Includes nice graphical report builder, compact runtime that should be distributed with your application and a sample application with full source code. Ключевые слова:
report generator, printing engine, reporting engine, reporting solution
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Fruit Nutrients Comparer
This tool allows you to check nutrition facts and make reports for hundreds of fruits, it also lets you compare different fruits by creating a comparison report. Reports include charts and gaphs with nutrition values for 30 nutrients. Ключевые слова:
nutrition, facts, food, nutritional, info
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WDReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft Word that outputs reports in Microsoft Word document format. If you know how to use Microsoft Word and write SQL statements, you can use WDReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need. Ключевые слова:
word report, reporting tool, generator, creator, ms word
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PowerPN Gestione prima nota e bilancio
Cash book managment software, with report, print, statistics generation features Ключевые слова:
Cash book, software, managment, balance, report
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PTReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft PowerPoint that outputs reports in Microsoft PowerPoint format. If you know how to use Microsoft PowerPoint and write SQL statements, you can use PTReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need. Ключевые слова:
ppt report, reporting tool, generator, creator, ms powerpoint
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MetaReport Developer Kit
MetaReport Developer Kit contains report designer and redistributable runtime module. Software developers can include MetaReportRuntime into own projects as a report module.
Installation copy contain examples on VB and Delphi. Ключевые слова:
ADO, report generator, report designer, report ActiveX, query parameters
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Office Report Builder
Manage your lists, prints address labels and works with post mail. You can use different databases to create personalized post mailing and direct mail campaigns, to customize all fields and keep notes of important customer information. Ключевые слова:
office report, word, excel, report, reporting
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XLReportGen is a report generator for Microsoft Excel that outputs reports in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. If you know how to use Microsoft Excel and write SQL statements, you can use XLReportGen to create all kinds of reports as you need. Ключевые слова:
excel report, reporting tool, generator, creator, ms excel
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The Free Website Report
This Free Report shows you exactly how to get a professional business website for less then 12$ pm. Forget spending $500 plus to get a website created when you can create your very own professional website for your business, in 1 day! Ключевые слова:
free website, how to make a website, website builder, create website, make a website
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Report Sharp-Shooter Express
Report Sharp-Shooter Express – бесплатный генератор отчетов для .NET. Предоставляет широкие возможности по созданию профессиональных отчетов в WinForms приложениях. Это могут быть иерархические, многоколоночные, параметризированные отчеты и т.д. Ключевые слова:
reporting tool, .NET reporting component, report engine, report generator, .NET reporting component
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