AssetManage Enterprise Asset Software
Use AssetManage Enterprise to track where your assets are, what state they are in, and who they are currently assigned to. Scan and print barcode labels directly from the program. Generate Monthly & Annual Depreciation schedules for each asset. Ключевые слова:
Asset Inventory, BarCode Software, SQL server, Asset Register, Asset
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AssetManage Asset Tracking - SQL Server
Use AssetManage for SQL Server to track where your assets are, what state they are in, and who they are currently assigned to. Scan and print barcode labels directly from the program. Generate Monthly & Annual Depreciation schedules for each asset. Ключевые слова:
Asset Inventory, BarCode Software, SQL server, Asset Register, Asset
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Solid State Doctor
The SSD Utility Suite is an essential tool to provide performance enhancement, SMART monitoring and data security for Solid State drives. Manually execute or set the TRIM service to maintain the write performance of the SSD. Ключевые слова:
TRIM SSD, SMART, S.M.A.R.T, wipe, solid state
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"Полигон: Акт обследования" для оформления акта обследования объекта недвижимого имущества - документов для снятия с кадастрового учета с формированием документов для отправки в ОКУ Ключевые слова:
Polygon, the survey instrument, object property, XML file, on the cadastral registration
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ServiceDesk Lite
Service Desk Lite is free service management software.It is a simple windows based app that enables you to manage customer complaints at various stages right from initiation, assignment to closure.No registration download, install & get started. Ключевые слова:
Free service software, free service management software, free service crm, free servicedesk software, free helpdesk software
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IPension - Agent NPF
Программа предназначена для подготовки пакета документов агентом негосударственного пенсионного фонда для перевода накопительной части пенсии по ОПС из ПФР в НПФ. Программа позволяет подготовить стандартный комплект документов ОПС для печати. Ключевые слова:
actuary, contributions, fixed-term pension, whole life pension, pension contributions
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Excel-Tool Convert Excel Value
The software can convert Excel Dates to Weekday, Month and so on; Convert Excel Data Types to General or Text; Convert Excel Case to Proper Case, Lower Case, Upper Case; Convert ZIP To City, State ZIP; Convert ZIP To City State; Convert City to ZIP; Ключевые слова:
convert excel date, convert excel case, convert phone to, convert zip to, convert city state to zip
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TRANSDAT (Deutsch)
TRANSDAT Coordinate Conversion supports thousands of coordinate systems and geodetic datum shifts, user-defined systems, INSPIRE, NTv2, BeTA2007, GPS, continental drift, many file systems, ESRI-Shape and much more with highest accuracy. Ключевые слова:
coordinate, coordinates, conversion, converter, convert
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Engineering Services interview
Engineering service interview, engineering service interview preparation, Engineering service interview guidance, IES Interview preparation, IES Interview Guidance, ESE Interview preparation, ESE interview guidance Ключевые слова:
Engineering service interview, engineering service interview preparation, Engineering service interview guidance, IES Interview preparation, IES Interview Guidance
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PHP URLShort script to run your own URL shortening service online like TinyURL.com. Quicker and easier URL redirection. Totally viral-No registration required. Multiple URLs shortening. Absolutely NO MYSQL configuration required. Ключевые слова:
urlshort script, tinyurl clone
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