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Draw stylish text on selected pages of pdf

Watermark Bulk Pdf files

AWinware pdf watermark software is Windows compatible desktop application to help in drawing watermark text over each selected pages of pdf document. Tool quickly writes customized text at specified position on pdf page.

Ключевые слова:
Watermark, bulk, pdf, file, draw

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Unlock pdf security to print & copy document

Unprotect Pdf Edit Print Copy Security

Pdf security remover software provides RC4 40 bit 128 bit and AES 256 bit encryption level protection removal. Program instantly removes owner restrictions for printing, editing, copying, signing, form filling, commenting & page extraction.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, decryption, unprotect, protection, security

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Unlock pdf security to copy or print pdf file

Unlock Security Restrictions from PDF

Tool supports unlocking of strong RC4 and AES 128 bit encryption level security. Pdf security remove tool enables pdf editing, printing, copying, commenting, signing, form filling and page extraction. Tool detects & decrypt master password.

Ключевые слова:
unlock pdf restrictions, decrypt pdf, pdf unprotect, pdf decryption, Unlock pdf

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Unlock secure pdf decrypt pdf owner password

Unlock Security of Bulk Pdf

Pdf security remover can decrypt RC4 40 bit, 128 bit and AES 128 bit, 256 bit strong encryption security; enables pdf editing, printing, copying, signing, commenting, form filling, page extraction by removing owner password from it.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, security, remover, edit, print

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Pdf owner password unlocker breaks encryption

Unlock pdf security to Print Edit Copy

Pdf security remover software which helps in unlocking pdf security instantly enables pdf editing, printing and content copying on clipboard. Tool decrypts bulk documents even they are protected with RC4 or AES 128 and 256 bit encryption.

Ключевые слова:
Break, pdf, security, print, edit

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Print secured pdf files by unlocking password

Unlock Pdf Printing Security

Print secured pdf & copy content from restricted pdf using pdf security remover. Tool quickly unlocks bulk acrobat pdf files, removes owner password which has been lost or forgotten. Pdf unlocker is Windows 8 compatible desktop solution.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf unlock, pdf decrypt, unsecure pdf, pdf decryption, pdf security

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Enable printing option in protected pdf files

Unlock Pdf Print Restriction

Pdf locked with owner password? Unlock file to enable printing, editing & copying with AWinware Pdf Security Remover software. Tool successfully removes master permission password which is lost or forgot by user.

Ключевые слова:
Unlock, pdf, print, restriction, password

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Pdf security remover to remove restrictions

Unlock Lost Password Pdf

Pdf password security remover tool allows all permissions of pdf file to edit, print and copy content; support decryption of advance RC4 and AES encryption protection, even document is protected with 128 bit or 256 bit strong key.

Ключевые слова:
Allow, pdf, edit, print, copy

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Remove password & enable copy & print in p

Unlock Acrobat Pdf Files Security

Tool helps in removing owner password from batch pdf files. Removal of owner password ensures that user will be able to print, copy, edit, fill form, sign, extract pages & comment pdf. It supports 256 bit AES, RC4 security encryption.

Ключевые слова:
decrypt pdf, Unlock pdf, pdf decryption, unlock pdf security, unlock pdf restrictions

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Add watermark into acrobat pdf pages

Text Watermark on PDF

Add copyright or trademark logo text over pdf document pages with the help of AWinware PDF watermark software. Tool lets user to create watermark text, page numbering, stamp current date time etc.

Ключевые слова:
Watermark, pdf, documents, files, stamp

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AWinware Pdf blank page splitter software

Split Pdf by Blank Page Position

Do you have lots of blank pages in your PDF invoices or bills and would like to slice them from blank page positions, AWinware Pdf Blank page splitter is best application, helps you in removing blank pages from pdf document too.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf splitter, blank page splitter, split pdf, split pdf by blank page, pdf split by blank page

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AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro to edit pdf page

Split or Merge Acrobat Pdf

AWinware Pdf split merge professional application provides you the capable hand to re-organise your pdf document easily by adding, deleting, extracting & inserting pages quickly. This app lets user to add or insert blank pages specified index.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, split, merger, software

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Break large pdf file into multiple small part

Split Merge multiple pdf files

Pdf Split merger software merges multiple pdf files into one and split pdf pages into number of small files. Tool helps in deleting one or more pages from bulk pdf files. Extract specific part pages like 5, 9, 13-19??¦etc using pdf split merge pro.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf merger, merge pdf, pdf splitter, split pdf, merge pdf

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Online Pdf merger & splitter to combine files

Split Merge Bulk Pdf Files

Get pdf merger online to join multiple pdf documents. Pdf splitter breaks large pdf into smaller size single page or n page per file pdf. Pdf page extractor deletes unnecessary pages from bulk pdf files, support password protected pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, merger, software, split, files

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AWinware Pdf blank page splitter software

Split and Remove blank pages from PDF

Best application to split a pdf document from blank page position is AWinware pdf blank page splitter. Tool helps in removing blank pages too from scanned pdf document. It is made compatible to run on all Windows platforms.

Ключевые слова:
Blank page remover, blank page splitter, split pdf blank pages, pdf blank page splitter, delete pdf blank page

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Prevent pdf file printing, copying & editing

Restrict Pdf from Copy Print Edit

Pdf encrypt tool locks pdf documents with open password security and owner guard protection. Encrypting pdf with owner password secure pdf strongly and restrict editing, printing, content copying, signing, commenting, page extraction etc.

Ключевые слова:
Encrypt, secure, pdf, lock, protect

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Tool to get back images from pdf documents

Restore Pdf Images

Free download AWinware pdf image extract tool to get back embedded bitmaps from your pdf document. Tool saves stored images on your local disk drive specified path. Out image format of extracted JPG, BMP or TIFF images can be changed by this tool.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Image, Extract, Tool

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Download AWinware Pdf Page Replace tool

Replace pages in pdf

AWinware pdf page replace tool lets user to replace pages from pdf document by swapping them between two pdf files. User can easily copy and paste another pdf pages into existing pdf at specified page index.

Ключевые слова:
Replace page in pdf, replace pages in pdf, pdf page replace, pdf page remove, remove replace pdf page

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Unlock printing & copying security of pdf

Remove Pdf Security to Print Copy Edit

Remove pdf security to convert pdf into copyable & printable format. Decrypt bulk pdf files using pdf security remover application, allows pdf modification, pdf content editing, permit pdf form filling, commenting & signing etc.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, security, remover, software, password

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AWinware pdf security remover software free

Remove Owner Password of Pdf

AWinware pdf security remover application helps in decrypting Adobe pdf documents to enable printing, copying & editing quickly. Tool is sufficient enough in removing owner password from bulk pdf files.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, owner, password, remover

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Encrypt pdf with dual password security

Protect pdf file with password

Pdf password security tool is advanced Windows utility to encrypt pdf file with dual password protection, one is owner & another user password. Owner password restricts pdf editing, printing & copying and user password restricts file opening.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, Password, security, software, lock

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Join pdf Split pdf Remove pages Extract part

Professional Pdf Split Merge Extract

Pdf Split Merge Pro is easy to use program helps to join & split large pdf documents into multiple chunks. This consolidated program provides option to remove any page, add any page, replace any page and append any page in pdf document.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf merger, pdf splitter, pdf joiner, append pdf, split pdf

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Download AWinware PDF Encryption Software

Prevent pdf unauthorized access

Free download AWinware PDF encryption software for securing Acrobat PDF documents with open password security and owner password restrictions. Tool restricts unauthorized accessing of pdf file. Reader prompts to input password if opens pdf.

Ключевые слова:
PDF, encryption, software, set, add

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Pdf encryption tool prevents pdf printing

Prevent Pdf from Print Copy Edit

AWinware Pdf encryption software lets user to batch encrypt acrobat pdf files. Tool quickly loads more than a pdf files and password secure them to prevent unauthorised accessing. It restricts pdf editing, printing & content copying easily.

Ключевые слова:
Prevent, pdf, print, copy, edit

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Pdf security tool to restrict pdf print copy

Prevent pdf from print copy

Pdf encryption software helps in locking document with pdf open password security and owner restrictions. Owner password is one which restricts pdf permissions to prevent edit, print and copy of content.

Ключевые слова:
Lock pdf, protect pdf, encrypt pdf, pdf encryption, pdf lock

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Change permissions & security of Adobe Pdf


Adobe PDF Security Change tool Unlocks Acrobat pdf permissions password and allows pdf editing, printing & copying in restricted documents. Get your password protected pdf unlocked with few mouse clicks using pdf security remover.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf security remover, remover pdf security, remove pdf security, unlock pdf security, pdf password remover

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Add watermark text stamp on multipage pdf

Pdf Watermarking Solution

Use Pdf Watermark software to add text watermarking on multipage batch pdf documents. Program is available with the option to set pdf text color, size, font name, position and angle rotation. In fact, Stamp can be set above or beneath page content.

Ключевые слова:
Watermark pdf, pdf watermark, pdf stamper, stamp pdf, add text on pdf

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Delete blank pages from pdf automatically

Pdf Splitter by Blank Page

If you are looking for a solution for removing blank pages from scanned pdf document or wish to split your invoice or bills by blank page position, AWinware pdf blank page splitter is best choice to manage your Acrobat pdf documents.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf blank page splitter, split pdf by blank page, pdf splitter blank page, pdf splitter, split pdf

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AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Pro for Windows

Pdf Split Merge Pro to Extract Pages

AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Pro - Windows utility to combine multiple Adobe pdf files and to split pdf pages. A consolidation of pdf splitter and pdf merger software helps in combining pdf thousands of pdf files & breaking pages into parts.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf splitter merger pro, pdf merger splitter pro, pdf splitter, pdf merger, pdf cutter

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Pdf security remover decrypts pdf restriction

Pdf Security Remover - AWinware

Pdf Security Remover delete restrictions from RC4 and AES 128 bit & 256 bit security level encrypted pdf files. Allow pdf editing, enable pdf copying, form filling, permit pdf printing, data extraction, pages extraction etc using this tool.

Ключевые слова:
Unlock, adobe, pdf, files, decrypt

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Remove pdf password to print copy edit

Pdf Security Decrypt Tool

If your document is not allowing you to print it or content copying is not possible, the most probable reason may be you locked pdf with owner password in past and now have forgot. Try AWinware pdf security remover tool to unlock forgotten password.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, security, decrypt, software

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Get photos back from pdf file no copy paste

Pdf Photos Extractor Tool

PDF photos extraction software exports all pictures out from pdf file and saves recovered bitmaps at specified location. Program retrieves embedded pictures of pdf without manual copy and paste operation or traditional print screen option.

Ключевые слова:
Adobe, PDF, image, extractor, software

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Unlock batch pdf security restrictions lock

Pdf password Unlocking Tool

Remove pdf password software unlock pdf open password security and decrypt pdf owner protection even encrypted with RC4 and AES password lock. Allow pdf editing, printing, copying, signing and page extraction using security unlock.

Ключевые слова:
Remove, adobe, pdf, files, password

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AWinware Pdf Split Merge tool to manage pdf

PDF Merger Splitter Page Deletion Tool

SPLIT, MERGE and DELETE bulk PDF pages in a single click. All in one tool provides features to join pages, remove selected pages, add pages and append pages. Software also converts images to PDF files. Supports TIFF, TIF, JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP.

Ключевые слова:
PDF, page, splitter, cutter, merger

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Cut pdf pages into parts or combine part pdf

Pdf Merge Split Professional Tool

Adobe pdf splitter merger software is a Windows 8 ready desktop solution for combining multiple pdf files into a single one and for breaking large pdf files into several smaller parts (chunks). Key feature is that it supports secured pdf documents.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf merger, pdf splitter, pdf split merge, pdf merge split, pdf combiner

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Extract pdf part pages split merge bulk files

Pdf Merge Split Pro edition

Pdf merger tool merges two or more pdf files into a single pdf document at specified destination. Pdf splitter splits pdf pages into multiple parts settings specified by user. Configure tool to extract one or more pages as new pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Merger, splitter, pdf, professional, pdf merger

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Create transparent watermark over pdf pages

Pdf Link Watermark

AWinware PDF watermark software draws watermark on pdf pages at specified location with option to point to a web link. Web URL linked watermark tool quickly draws linear as well as angular watermarks.

Ключевые слова:
Draw, text, pdf, watermark, software

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Pull out scanned pages from your pdf document

Pdf Image Extract

Pull out scanned pages from your pdf document with the help of AWinware Pdf Image Extractor. Tool quickly search and extract out all the embedded graphics from Acrobat pdf document. It is compatible to handle bulk pdf documents.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Image, extract, software

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Split & remove blank pages from Acrobat Pdf

Pdf Blank Page Splitter

Split & remove blank pages from Acrobat pdf document using AWinware Pdf blank page splitter. It automatically searches for blank portion of page as per the criteria set by user and break pdf from that page number position.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf Blank Page Splitter, split pdf by blank page, pdf blank page split, pdf splitter, split pdf

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Searches blank pages & splits into parts

Pdf Blank Page Split Tool

AWinware Pdf Blank Page Splitter is Windows compatible desktop utility to break pdf pages by the position of blank page. Tool scans complete document and mark the blank page position. It also lets user to remove blank pages from pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, blank, page, split, tool

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Delete blank pages from Acrobat pdf files

Pdf Blank Page Split and Email

Blank Page Splitter software splits out a large pdf file into multiple parts by the position of blank pages inside it. Tool also lets user to extract content pages and trash out blank pages automatically.

Ключевые слова:
Blank Page Splitter, split pdf, pdf Blank Page Splitter, extract pdf blank pages, remove pdf blank page

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Insert blank page in pdf at specified index

Pdf blank page insertion tool

AWinware pdf page replace tool lets user to replace specified page index with another pdf or blank page. Index where the page needs to be inserted may be more than one. User can specify the position like 4, 9, 12, 30...etc.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, blank, page, insert, software

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Use pdf split merge pro to insert blank page

Pdf Blank Page Insert Tool

AWinware Pdf split & merge pro latest release support insertion of blank pages at specified page index along with option to merge & split. Tool helps in deleting specified pages from document, extract range of pages as new pdf.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Split, Merge, Pro

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Password protects & encrypts bulk pdf files

Password Secure Pdf files

Sometime security for your pdf document becomes essential because it may contain private and confidential content, which are not sharable. So we devised pdf encryption software to encrypt & lock pdf with advanced encryption support.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf security software, pdf encryption, encrypt pdf, pdf encrypt, pdf protection

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Encrypt pdf with 128 bit encryption security

Password Secure PDF

Add password to Adobe pdf files using AWinware Pdf encryption software, protect pdf documents from unauthorized access, prompt for password during pdf open, set restrictions to disable printing, block editing, prevent copying & commenting etc.

Ключевые слова:
Add, pdf, password, security, protect

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Secure acrobat pdf files with open password

Password Restrict Pdf Print Copy Edit

AWinware pdf encryption software is Windows compatible desktop utility quickly converts bulk pdf files into secured document. Pdf encrypt tool password secure pdf with open password and owner restrictions like printing, editing & copying.

Ключевые слова:
Password, lock, pdf, files, Adobe

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Join & Split bulk pdf extract part of pdf

Merge Split Bulk Pdf files

Pdf Merger Splitter Professional edition is Widows compatible, easy to use graphical user interface based pdf page manipulation application which can add, split, extract, delete, combine, append pdf & tiff image pages together.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, merger, professional, edition, version

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It converts any image file into multipage pdf

JPEG to PDF Maker

An efficient Windows utility which lets user to convert image files into pdf document. Tool support conversion of photos having extension like *.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp, *.tiff, *.emf, *.wmf & *.tga etc.

Ключевые слова:
Jpeg, pdf, image, convert, maker

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Convert JPEG into Adobe pdf documents free

JPEG Images to Pdf Converter Tool

Jpg to pdf converter software is very easy to use and Windows compatible image to pdf conversion tool, converts all popular graphics formats into Adobe pdf, supports conversion of PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, TGA, EMF & WMF photo files.

Ключевые слова:
Jpeg to pdf, jpg to pdf, png to pdf, gif to pdf, bmp to pdf

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Insert a pdf into another pdf file

Insert pdf Page

AWinware Pdf page replace tool is advanced GUI application to help users in inserting or replacing another pdf file pages. Tool has option to insert or replace page before or after specified page number position.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf insert, insert pdf, pdf page replace, replace pdf page, pdf page insert

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AWinware Bulk pdf page replace software

Insert or Replace Pages in Pdf

If your pdf file contains one or more wrong pages that need to be replaced or need to insert few pages into existing pdf files, try AWinware Pdf page replace Windows utility which helps in replacing and inserting pages in bulk pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Insert, pdf, replace, page, document

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Insert or replace page at specified pdf index

Insert or Replace page in Pdf at Index

AWinware Pdf Page Replace tool is consolidated functionality tool to insert or replace existing pdf pages with another pdf. Apart from that, users are also allowed to push blank pages at specified indexes of pdf document.

Ключевые слова:
Inserting, page, replacing, pdf, insert

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AWinware tool to insert blank page in pdf

Insert Blank Page in Pdf - AWinware

Merge two or more pdf documents with pdf merger and split large document into parts using pdf splitter option provided in pdf splitter merger application. Break pdf file into multiple parts, extract pdf pages and remove un-necessary pages from pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf joiner, pdf splitter, pdf merger, pdf splitter merger, pdf page remover

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Pdf splitter merger to insert and delete page

Insert and Delete Pdf Pages

Download free pdf splitter merger software, burst large pdf into smaller one, combine multiple pdf files together, rearrange pages, remove unwanted pages, delete, append, pages, convert tiff to pdf, join pdf and pictures.

Ключевые слова:
Replace, merge, split, pdf, bulk

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Choose Image right click to convert into pdf

Image right click option to make pdf

Download and install AWinware Image to Pdf converter tool to embed the conversion option in image file right click context menu. Choose Image right click option to convert JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG graphics into pdf document.

Ключевые слова:
Image, pdf, converter, convert, right

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JPG to pdf maker converts all image formats

Image into Pdf conversion tool

Share images in the form of Adobe PDF with the help of AWinware Image to PDF Converter. Tool quickly and easily converts more than one image into standard pdf file. It has inbuilt option to create a single pdf of multiple images.

Ключевые слова:
Create, pdf, image, convert, transform

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Restricting pdf editing printing copying

How to Restrict Pdf Print Copy

It is easy to restrict pdf accessibility like edit print copy using AWinware pdf encryption software. Tool is extremely user friendly interface which facilitates open password setting & restricts pdf file using owner password.

Ключевые слова:
Protect, secure, encrypt, password, security

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Pdf image extractor export and save photos

Extract Images from pdf files

Pdf Image extractor software exports all images resides in any pdf files on disk without using copy and paste option, extract photos out in actual size and quality, restore pictures back on your storage media for editing, sharing, printing.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf image extractor, export pdf images, pdf picture export, extract pdf images, pdf photo extractor

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Extract out all embedded images from pdf file

Extract Images from Acrobat Pdf

Extracts images out from batch pdf files using AWinware Pdf image extractor software, exports all graphics from pdf files and saves on disk as bmp, jpg, gif or tiff files. Tool easily restores pictures from pdf without manual copy & paste.

Ключевые слова:
Extract, pdf, image, export, bulk

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Bulk images extraction from Acrobat Pdf

Extract Images from a PDF

Looking for a way to extract all the stored images from Acrobat pdf document without using manual copy paste for large pdf document? Don??™t panic; use AWinware Pdf Image Extractor software to quickly save TIFF, BMP & JPG images.

Ключевые слова:
Extract, images, pdf, convert, copy

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Save pdf images on disk drive extract photos

Extract Images Back from Pdf

Download and install free pdf image extractor software to export pdf images back from bulk pdf files. Export pdf photos bitmaps as JPG, BMP & TIFF. It provides option to edit extracted images and save as other file formats.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf image extractor, save pdf images, pdf photo extractor, pdf pictures extractor, export pdf images

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Password secure pdf to stop print edit & copy

Encrypt Pdf - Stop Print Copy Edit

AWinware Pdf encryption software is advanced and easy to use Windows utility to password protect batch pdf file with password protection. Tool helps in restricting pdf file editing, printing & content copying by unauthorised user.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, encrypt, pdf, stop, print

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Pdf password software to lock print copy edit

Encrypt Pdf - Bulk Mode

Encrypt batch pdf document using open password and owner password security to enable or disable pdf editing, printing, copying, commenting, form filling, signing, commenting etc, supports RC4 and AES 128 bit encryption level guarding.

Ключевые слова:
Adobe, Pdf, encryption, software, lock

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Pdf Security Remover - Unlock PDF

Enable Print Option in PDF

Pdf Security Remover - Tool to unlock pdf editing, printing & content copying security for which the owner permission password has been lost or forgotten. Tool quickly removes master password from bulk pdf file to enable accessibility in document.

Ключевые слова:
Enable, print, option, pdf, document

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Tool draws pdf text background watermark

Draw Watermark beneath PDF Content

AWinware Pdf watermark software is powerful 5 star awarded desktop utility which helps in drawing watermark on more than one pdf document. Tool provides option to draw watermark above the page content as well as beneath the page content.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Create, pdf, watermark, draw

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Pdf watermark drawing diagonally on each page

Draw Pdf Watermark Quickly

Looking for a solution to create mark on pdf pages of copyright or specimen, here is the tool, AWinware Pdf Watermark. It easily can draw a diagonal text of your string on each page. Apart from this, it can also create mark on header and footer.

Ключевые слова:
Draw, watermark, text, pdf, pages

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Unable to Print Pdf? Try Pdf security remover

Disabled Pdf Printing Enabler

Have you lost the owner password of your pdf document which is restricting you to print your pdf document? Don??™t panic, we have the solution, Download AWinware Pdf security remover software which lets user to enable print option (button) in pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Enable pdf print, pdf print enable, unlock pdf print, pdf print unlocker, allow pdf print

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Pdf open password & owner restrictions tool

Create Strong Password in PDF

Set password protection on bulk PDF files using PDF encryption software. Software easily password protect batch document, apply PDF open (user) password, add restrictions on PDF by setting owner password, disable printing, content text copying.

Ключевые слова:
PDF, password, protect, encryption, apply

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Tiff pages to pdf conversion software

Convert a tiff into pdf

AWinware Image to pdf conversion tool lets user to convert tiff pages into standard pdf document. Tool is sufficient enough in converting each frames of chosen tiff document. It draws each frame of tiff over a new page of tiff.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, convert, software, conversion, bitmap

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It converts any image file into multipage pdf

Convert a JPEG to Pdf

An efficient Windows utility which lets user to convert image files into pdf document. Tool support conversion of photos having extension like *.jpg, *.png, *.gif, *.bmp, *.tiff, *.emf, *.wmf & *.tga etc.

Ключевые слова:
Jpeg, pdf, image, convert, maker

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A tool to join more than one pdf together

Combine Split multiple pdf

AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Professional ??“ Tool to merge more than one pdf together in a single pdf. Tool to split a large size pdf document into multiple N page(s) per pdf document. It also lets user to extract a range of specific pages in a new pdf

Ключевые слова:
Combine, split, multiple, pdf, document

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Pdf security breaker unprotect secure pdf

Break Pdf Security Restrictions

Pdf security Breaker program allows pdf editing, enables pdf copying, permits pdf printing, form filling, signing, commenting, text and graphics extraction, page extraction etc. Unlock RC4 and AES 128 bit & 256 bit long security password.

Ключевые слова:
Break, pdf, security, unlock, breaker

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Tool to password restrict pdf edit copy print

Block Pdf Printing n Copying

Tool to password secure pdf file and block pdf editing printing copying of content ??“ AWinware Pdf Encryption. It password lock your private and confidential document & restricts its accessibility to prevent piracy.

Ключевые слова:
Block, pdf, printing, copying, editing

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AWinware Pdf Splitter and Merger Professional

Batch PDF Merger Splitter

Download PDF Splitter Merger Software for splitting one PDF document into multiple small size pdf having specified number of pages per pdf. It can also be used to add two or more pdf files together. Tool is available with batch PDF append option.

Ключевые слова:
download, PDF, Merger, Splitter, software

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Add logo text watermark on pdf files pages

AWinware Watermark Bulk PDF

New improved version of AWinware Pdf Watermark Software, designed to create watermark text with lots of extra parameters like setting of page number, watermark position, rotation, color, font selection, style and margins from pdf sides etc.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf watermark, watermark pdf, pdf stamp software, pdf watermark software, pdf watermark creator

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Enable printing in your locked pdf files

AWinware Unlock Pdf Print Copy Security

If your pdf file is not allowing you to print your pdf document, use AWinware pdf security remover software to enable printing in encrypted pdf files. Tool quickly removes owner password which has been lost or forgotten.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, unlock, pdf, print, copy

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Convert multiple pages to tiff into pdf file

AWinware TIFF to PDF Creator

AWinware Tiff to Pdf creator is Windows 8 compatible solution for conversion of multipage tiff documents into Acrobat pdf file. Along with tiff support, it can also load and convert JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, PNG, BMP, TGA, PSD, PCX & camera RAW formats.

Ключевые слова:
Tiff, pdf, JPEG, PNG, BMP

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Draw scanned tiff frames over pdf pages

AWinware Tiff and EMF to Pdf

AWinware Image to Pdf maker is robust utility for converting image files into pdf document. Program has ability to create a single pdf of each chosen image as well as individual separate pdf. It supports loading of multipage scanned tiff files too.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, image, pdf, maker, software

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Split pdf by blank page index inside document

AWinware Split Pdf by Blank Pages

AWinware pdf blank page splitter program is Windows desktop utility which helps in making multiple parts of a large pdf from the position of blank page index. Pdf splitter tool quickly removes all the blank pages from pdf as well.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, split, pdf, blank, pages

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Merge pdf image into pdf extract file pages

AWinware Split Merge Pdf Professional

Pdf Merger Splitter Professional edition is easy to use and standalone application having multiple functionality like pdf merger, pdf splitter, pdf page extractor, pdf page remove, pdf append, image append, merge pdf & picture files together.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, joiner, cutter, professional, software

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Pdf splitter merger & page remover software

AWinware Split Merge Pdf

AWinware Split Merge Pdf software helps in joining multiple pdf together, split pdf into multiple part pdf and remove any unwanted page from document. Pdf splitter merger software is Windows 8 compatible desktop solution to manage pdf.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, split, merge, pdf, document

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Password Secure pdf from unauthorized access

AWinware Secure Batch Pdf

Looking for a way to restrict pdf content from being copied, printed & edited? AWinware Acrobat PDF Encryption tool lets users to prevent edit, print & copy document data by encrypting pdf document with user and owner password security.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Acrobat, PDF, Encryption, Software

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AWinware pdf page replace inserts a new pdf

AWinware Replace Pages of Pdf

AWinware pdf page replace tool provides ability to insert a new pdf file or replace existing page with another pdf page. Tool is completely standalone and user friendly. It is easy to use and support Windows 8 operating system.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, replace, insert, document, file

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Insert a pdf into another pdf document

AWinware Replace pages from pdf

AWinware pdf page replace tool is advanced and easy to use desktop utility which helps in inserting a pdf pages into another pdf at specified position like after page 9 and 14. Tool has option to replace specific page position with another pdf page.

Ключевые слова:
Replace pdf, pdf replace, pdf page replace, replace pdf page, pdf page replacer

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Unlock restricted pdf print edit copy options

AWinware Remove Pdf Security Settings

Pdf security settings remover software is Windows application to change the security parameters of a pdf document like restricted printing, locked editing & disabled copying etc. Tool quickly unlocks bulk pdf documents password.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, Security, Setting, removal, tool

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Draw watermark text over bulk pdf pages

AWinware PDF Watermark Easy

AWinware PDF Watermark software is best Acrobat PDF text imposition tool, stamps watermarking on each selected pages quickly. Create rotated pdf watermark at header, footer or center position between angles of 0 to 359 degree.

Ключевые слова:
pdf watermark software, pdf watermark, watermarking pdf, watermark pdf, pdf watermarking

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Combine multiple pdf files or split into part

AWinware Pdf Splitting Merging

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro is professional utility breaks a large pdf into multiple smaller parts. Tool is capable to combine two or more pdf documents as well. This consolidated functionality application is Windows 8 ready.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf merger splitter, pdf splitter merger, pdf splitter, pdf merger, pdf joiner

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Merge pdf extract or insert blank pages

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Prof

AWinware pdf split & Merge Software is Windows 8 compatible utility to combine multiple pdf files into a single document. Tool helps in removing part pages from document, insert blank page, extract multiple pages, split large pdf into parts.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, split, merge, professional

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Get Pdf Splitter merger Pro free to edit pdf

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro Utility

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro is professional edition for merging multiple pdf files together and splitting files into single page pdf in sophisticated manner. It handles pdf & image files merging and appending process in easy way.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf split merge, pdf merge split, split merge, merge split, pdf splitter

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Split merge or insert blank pages into pdf

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Pro 5

AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Pro latest version of pdf management tool lets user to split or extract pages from document accurately using specified method. Insert a new pdf or blank page at specified page index position along with pdf merge option.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf split, merge, pro, professional

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Insert new pdf or blank page into acrobat pdf

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Insert Pro

AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Professional software is advanced desktop program to manage bulk pdf files by merging all of them together or by removing/extracting part pages from that. Newer version lets user to insert blank pages at specified index.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, split, merge, professional

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Merge bulk pdf & split pages into parts

AWinware Pdf Split Merge Extract

Pdf split merge pro is fast and powerful desktop utility which can manipulate multiple pdf files with lightning fast speed. Using pdf split merge, user can delete any un-required page. AWinware Pdf Split Merge tool extracts specified pages quickly.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf merger, pdf combiner, pdf splitter, pdf joiner splitter, pdf splitter merger

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Delete pdf restrictions to enable print copy

AWinware Pdf Security Delete

AWinware Pdf security Delete software supports deletion of RC4 40 bit, 128 bit and AES 128 bit 256 bit encryption level security. It removes pdf restrictions to enable printing, editing, copying, form filling, signing, commenting & page extraction.

Ключевые слова:
Unlock, pdf, security, password, restrictions

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Password encrypt bulk Acrobat pdf files

AWinware Pdf Security

AWinware pdf security software quickly encrypts bulk pdf files to secure users private and confidential data behind password lock. Tool enables user to set pdf open password lock as well as pdf owner restriction security.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, security, tool, lock

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Remove pdf file password & owner restrictions

AWinware Pdf Print Security Unlock

Product helps to remove protection for pdf print, edit, content copy, form fill, sign, comment, copy for accessibility and page extraction. Pdf security remover decrypts 256 bit AES and 128 bit RC4 encryption level security.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, password, security, unlock, remove

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Remove forgotten password from Pdf file

AWinware Pdf Print Copy Security Unlock

If you forgot the owner password of your pdf document, try AWinware Pdf Security remover tool which quickly removes protection from bulk pdf file and enables editing, printing & content copying in document.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Print, Copy, Security

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Pdf 128 bit AES encryption security tool

AWinware Pdf Password Security

AWinware pdf encryption software is robust utility to password secure your acrobat pdf documents. Tool password protect pdf file with dual security options, user password and owner password. It helps great in preventing pdf unauthorised access.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, encrypt, pdf, bulk, security

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Replace, insert and remove pdf page in bulk

AWinware PDF Page Replace Insert

AWinware Pdf Page Replace Software is awesome desktop utility for exchanging pages between two pdf files. Tool loads pages of another pdf and replace or insert into source pdf file and create a new pdf at target path.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Page, Replace, Insert

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Pdf split merge professional to extract page

AWinware Pdf Joiner Splitter Cutter

AWinware pdf split & merge pro is Windows platform based desktop tool to combine more than one pdf documents together. Tool also lets user to split its pages into multiple parts with option to define n number of pages per pdf.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, joiner, splitter, cutter

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Combine pdf files into one with split option

AWinware PDF Joiner Breaker

If you wish to make a single pdf file for each selected pdf or there is a need to break pages into parts, try AWinware pdf splitter merger professional application. This is the best tool ever seen provides capable hands to append extra pages.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, joiner, breaker, break

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Add Text Watermark on Acrobat pdf documents

AWinware Pdf files Watermark Tool

AWinware Pdf Watermark software can add copyright, confidential, draft or specimen copy text on pdf documents; stamp first page, last page, odd pages, even pages or desired specific pages with watermark text.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, watermark, software, stamp

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Split pdf from blank page position into parts

AWinware Pdf Blank Page Splitter

AWinware Pdf Blank Page Splitter software is advanced desktop tool for making pdf split into parts by the position of blank pages inside. Along with pdf split option, tool also lets user to remove blank pages from Acrobat Pdf.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, pdf, blank, page, splitter

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Prevent pdf file from being printed or copied

AWinware Password Lock Pdf

AWinware pdf encryption software is robust desktop utility program which helps in securing multiple pdf documents in a single command. It enables users to protect their pdf data from being theft or copied illegally.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Pdf, Encryption, Software, lock

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Combine pdf, split & extract pages

AWinware Merge Split pdf

A consolidated functionality tool which lets users to combine two or more pdf to create a single file, split & extract pages from pdf - AWinware Pdf Split & Merge Pro. Tool provides option to import multiple pdf to make them merged, split, extract

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, merge, split, pdf, file

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Replace or insert pages into Acrobat pdf file

AWinware Insert Page into Pdf

If you are in need to insert another pdf file pages into existing pdf document, try AWinware Pdf Page Replace software. Tool quickly removes specified page or page range like 5, 8, 9...etc and inserts another selected pdf pages at same position.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, insert, pdf, page, replace

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Convert tiff pages into adobe pdf document

AWinware Image to Pdf Creator 4

AWinware Image to Pdf maker version 4 is advanced and easy to use desktop utility quickly converts JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, GIF, TGA, PCX, DCX, EMF, WMF, TIFF image formats into Adobe Acrobat pdf documents.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, image, pdf, converter, software

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Image to pdf merger convert JPG TIFF BMP file

AWinware Image to pdf Create

AWinware Photos to pdf converter software converts any graphics file format into Adobe compatible pdf documents; supports JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, TGA, PSD, EMF, WMF, PCX etc file formats, edit images before conversion into pdf.

Ключевые слова:
Image, pdf, converter, photo, document

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Pull out all images embedded in pdf document

AWinware Extract Pdf Photos

If your pdf document contains thousands of images and you would like to extract & save all of them in local disk drive, AWinware pdf image extractor is best choice as it is featured rich desktop program, shows preview of each extracted images too.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, extract, pdf, photos, convert

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Save pdf images in drive without copy paste

AWinware Extract n Convert Pdf Images

Save pdf images in disk drive without copy paste using AWinware pdf image extractor program, extracts bulk photos out from batch pdf documents in a single click. Tool exports all the graphics in original format at user defined folder.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf image extractor, pdf photo extractor, pdf graphics extractor, extract pdf images, export pdf images

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Save pdf images without manual copy paste

AWinware Extract Images from Pdf

Batch pdf image extractor software is Windows compatible tool, exports bitmap pictures out from pdf. Tool saves extracted graphics on hard disk drive as bmp, jpeg or tiff. Software easily retrieves photos from pdf without using copy & paste option.

Ключевые слова:
Pdf, image, extractor, software, extracts

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Draw rotated & transparent watermark over PDF

AWinware Draw Watermark In Pdf

AWinware Acrobat PDF Watermark Software is robust desktop utility program, quickly draws rotated, transparent & colored watermark string over pdf documents pages. It only draws text on specified page or page range at marked position only.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, Acrobat, PDF, Watermark, Software

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Convert image format into Acrobat pdf file

AWinware Create Pdf of Image Files

AWinware Image to Pdf converter software is standalone Windows tool to convert Image formats into Pdf format. It supports conversion of popular image files including JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, EMF, WMF, TGA & PSD.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, create, pdf, image, jpeg

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Pdf to image creates photo files of all pages

AWinware Convert Pdf to Image

AWinware Pdf to Image converter software render each page of a pdf file as picture file format like *.jpg. Format conversions it supports are JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, EMF, WMF and TIFF.

Ключевые слова:
AWinware, convert, pdf, image, converter

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